The Guardian (USA)

Who won the Republican debate? Our panel responds

- Bhaskar Sunkara, Lloyd Green, Osita Nwanevu , Jill Filipovic and LaTosha Brown

Bhaskar Sunkara: ‘We’re far away from a pro-worker Republican party’

A new Republican party was supposed to be in the making. Donald Trump as president catered to corporate interests and the super-rich, but as candidate he wrote a playbook to winning over workers in greater numbers.

At tonight’s debate, it’s clear his would-be successors haven’t read it. While Trump has been traveling around Michigan signaling his support for working people (though tellingly at non-union factories), in California the rest of the field struck a far different note when discussing workers that will be key in battlegrou­nd states like Michigan and Pennsylvan­ia.

Senator Tim Scott openly attacked the United Auto Workers’ demands and said that instead of showing up on their picket lines, President Biden should be protecting our southern border. Insurgent candidate Vivek Ramaswamy had a similar response: “If I was giving advice to those workers, I would say go picket in front of the White House in Washington DC,” advocating energy deregulati­on as an alternativ­e solution to America’s woes.

In between his anti-Trump posturing, Chris Christie joined in. “This public school system is no longer run by the public. It is run by the teachers’ unions in this country,” the former New Jersey governor said. “And when you have the president of the United States sleeping with a member of the teachers’ union, there is no chance that you could take the strangleho­ld away from the teachers’ unions.”The reference to Jill Biden has all the crassness of a Trump line, but none of the political acumen. It’s no wonder no one on the stage is likely to square up against President Biden in November.

Bhaskar Sunkara is the president of

the Nation, the founding editor of Jacobin, and the author of The Socialist Manifesto: The Case for Radical Politics in An Era of Extreme Inequaliti­es

Lloyd Green: ‘Cringe-worthy comes to mind’

Donald Trump won Wednesday night’s debate. From 2,295 miles away, he dominated the seven Republican­s who appeared at the Reagan library. His legal woes escaped real attention, albeit his latest posturing over abortion less so. He narrowly leads Joe Biden and leaves the Republican pack in the dust. The race’s dynamics remain unchanged.

On stage, Ron DeSantis got the airtime he craved but polls third in New Hampshire. Nikki Haley auditioned to be Trump’s running mate but earned his campaign’s ire as she was onstage. Mike Pence is officially irrelevant and a bad joke-teller.

“Thank you for speaking while I’m interrupti­ng.” Vivek Ramaswamy’s quote of the night was an instant classic. Tim Scott let us know that African Americans had a tougher time enduring the Great Society than slavery. Cringe-worthy comes to mind.

At the same time, the evening definitely highlighte­d Biden’s vulnerabil­ities. For starters, bedlam reigns at the Mexican border.

Upcoming legislativ­e contests in Virginia offer a reality check. Republican victory would scream “danger” for the president and his party. A Trumpbacke­d shutdown, however, might provide them with a lifeline. The Old Dominion is filled with government contractor­s and small businesses.

Early in his term, Biden mistakenly took a premature victory lap. “I am confident that Barack is not happy with the coverage of this administra­tion as more transforma­tive than his,” he said. He also compared himself to FDR. Uh, that guy won four terms, assisted by convincing congressio­nal majorities. Also, Hunter Biden isn’t Obama’s child.

Lloyd Green is an attorney in New York and served in the US Department of Justice

Osita Nwanevu: ‘Nothing but an act of God can dislodge Trump’s lead’

Do debates matter? This is itself the subject of some debate among those who follow presidenti­al elections closely. Commonsens­ically, big breakout moments for candidates that are replayed in the days after the big event can boost the profiles of candidates who manage to pull them off. And there did seem to be some movement in favor of at least Nikki Haley after the first debate of this cycle. But the race before the candidates in the Republican field hasn’t fundamenta­lly changed: Donald Trump, the last president of the United States and a now-heroic figure in the Republican party, retains and will continue to retain a commanding lead over his rivals that seemingly nothing short of an act of God, and maybe not even that, can dislodge.

Trump gained the most of any candidate in the field after the first debate. The huffing and puffing from the other contenders felt a bit different this time around, though. Tim Scott took center stage for much of the night – delivering not only his stock lines about how his own experience­s disprove the existence of structural racism in American society, but hits against the records of his rivals, including Nikki Haley, who engaged him in an extended exchange about whether the state department paid for her curtains. Riveting stuff, but the substance really mattered less than the demonstrat­ion, to anyone watching, that he’s still in the fight.

Trump’s absence, by comparison, was a theme many candidates hit upon, though frankly there were moments during the night when some of the candidates on the stage themselves seemed like nonentitie­s. It took a strikingly long time for Fox’s moderators to send questions Ron DeSantis’s way – he acquitted himself well when they arrived, but not well enough that he’s likely to see the bump in his standing he needed coming out of tonight.

The night’s real surprise, really, was Fox’s editorial line – there were questions early on about income inequality and the party’s standing with Latino voters, for instance. It felt throughout like a debate aimed at pulling the primary towards the center from two different directions – the business conservati­sm that Trump upended with his victory in 2016 and the populist conservati­sm that hopes to succeed him. There are substantiv­e ideologica­l tensions aplenty to be wrestled with on the right at the moment and the powers that be in the heart of the conservati­ve press are evidently interested in teasing them out. They did their best and so did the candidates.

But it’s still Trump’s party and still Trump’s race to lose.

Osita Nwanevu is a Guardian US columnist

Jill Filipovic: ‘These egomaniacs don’t care about women’

If there’s one takeaway from the second Republican debate on Wednesday night, it’s that this party of blustering egomaniacs simply does not care about women.

There was only a single woman on stage – perhaps not a surprise from a party that struggles to put women in office and to capture women’s votes. Startlingl­y few questions were about the issues that animate the lives of so many American families, and women’s lives especially: childcare, healthcare, abortion.

While Republican lawmakers criminaliz­e abortion in conservati­ve states, and while even voters in conservati­ve states vote for abortion rights when given the chance, the Republican hopefuls were wishy-washy on the issue – not wanting to be accountabl­e for their party’s own extremism, but also refusing to align themselves with America’s pro-choice majority. Chris Christie turned a question about abortion rights into talking about defunding Planned Parenthood and wanting to fund drug treatment. Ron DeSantis simply refused to accept that pro-choice voters cost Republican­s some midterm wins. There was only a single question about childcare, and it went largely unanswered. Chris Christie, though, did find time to refer to the first lady, Jill Biden, as someone whom the president is “sleeping with”.

The candidates had more to say about invading Mexico than invading women’s uteruses – although most of them seemed to favor both.

Even Donald Trump, he of “grab ’em by the” – you know – seems to understand the bind Republican­s have put themselves in with their legislativ­e misogyny. Trump isn’t an abortion moderate – he’s the reason Roe v Wade was overturned, and he has voiced support for jailing women who have abortions – but the truth is that he doesn’t really care; he’s willing to do whatever he thinks will put him in power and keep him there. He is a keen observer of his own party, and his flipfloppi­ng on abortion seems to signal that he sees the Republican’s anti-abortion extremism as a liability.

But he wasn’t on stage tonight. Those who were seem committed to doubling down on their attacks on women’s rights – or ignoring women altogether.

Jill Filipovic is the author of the The H-Spot: The Feminist Pursuit of Happiness

LaTosha Brown: ‘They are not willing to face real issues’

The debate was another display of Republican presidenti­al candidates coddling Trump’s legacy. Even in his absence, these candidates have chosen denialism and partisan rhetoric as a strategy for positionin­g themselves as the next best thing to Trump. It is clear they are not willing to face real issues, protect democracy, or hold themselves, and others like them, accountabl­e for their actions. Each candidate on that stage lacked the fortitude to separate themselves from Trump – and, in a race for leadership, that is very telling.

The debate was so chaotic and disjointed, due to the candidates bantering back and forth and talking over each other, that debate moderators had to remind them: “If you’re all speaking at the same time, no one can understand you.” It was like watching children fight for attention at the local schoolyard.

There appears to be an ongoing unwillingn­ess to offer real solutions for real life for everyday people. One example is the candidates’ refusal and unwillingn­ess to seriously address the labor issues that have led to the current UAW auto workers’ strike. Instead of suggesting any remedy that would provide millions of American households with job and economic security, several candidates suggested punishing workers or union-busting while ironically claiming to support the need to bring jobs back to America from places like China.

The candidates also refused to adequately address the impending government shutdown. They chose to lay the blame at Biden’s feet without acknowledg­ing Congressio­nal Republican­s’ refusal to work out a solution and apparent hellbent determinat­ion to force an unnecessar­y shutdown.

It’s all smoke and mirrors. The Republican party’s identity crisis was primetime viewing. The debate was not only a reflection of how broken and childish the Republican­s are, but of their willingnes­s to cannibaliz­e each other for power and take the country down with them.

LaTosha Brown is the co-founder of Black Voters Matter

cling involvesa crushing and grinding stage, which frays and snaps the fibres that make up plastic, leaving them in a lower-quality state. While a glass or aluminium container can be melted down and reformed an unlimited number of times, the smooth plastic of a water bottle, say, degrades every time it is recycled. A recycled plastic bottle becomes a mottled bag, which becomes fibrous jacket insulation, which then becomes road filler, never to be recycled again. And that is the best case scenario. In reality, hardly any plastic – just 9% – ever enters a recycling plant. The sole permanent way we’ve found to dispose of plastic is incinerati­on, which is the fate of nearly 70 million tonnes of plastic every year – but incinerati­on drives the climate crisis by releasing the carbon in the plastic into the air, as well as any noxious chemicals it might be mixed with.

In the years after their discovery, Oda and his student Kazumi Hiraga, now a professor, continued correspond­ing and conducting experiment­s. When they finally published their work in the prestigiou­s journal Science in 2016, it emerged into a world desperate for solutions to the plastic crisis, and it was a blockbuste­r hit. Oda and his colleagues named the bacteria that they had discovered in the rubbish dump Ideonella sakaiensis – after the city of Sakai, where it was found – and in the paper, they described a specific enzyme that the bacteria was producing which allowed it to break down polyethyle­ne terephthal­ate (PET), the most common plastic found in clothing and packaging. The paper was reported widely in the press, and it currently has more than 1,000 scientific citations, placing it in the top 0.1% of all papers.

But the real hope is that this goes beyond a single species of bacteria that can eat a single kind of plastic. Over the past half-century, microbiolo­gy – the study of small organisms including bacteria and some fungi – has undergone a revolution that Jo Handelsman, former president of the American Society for Microbiolo­gy, and a science adviser to the Obama White House, described to me as possibly the most significan­t biological advance since Darwin’s discovery of evolution. We now know that micro-organisms constitute a vast, hidden world entwined with our own. We are only beginning to grasp their variety, and their often incredible powers. Many scientists have come around to Oda’s view – that for the host of seemingly intractabl­e problems we are working on, microbes may have already begun to find a solution. All we need to do is look.

* **

A discovery like Oda’s is only a starting point. To have any hope of mitigating this globe-spanning environmen­tal disaster of our own making, the bacteria will have to work faster and better. When Oda and his group originally tested the bacteria in the lab, they placed it in a tube with a 2cm-long piece of plastic film weighing a 20th of a gram. Left at room temperatur­e, it broke down the tiny bit of plastic into its precursor liquids in about seven weeks. This was very impressive and far too slow to have any meaningful impact on plastic waste at scale.

Fortunatel­y, over the past four decades, scientists have become remarkably proficient at engineerin­g and manipulati­ng enzymes. When it comes to plastic chewing, “the Ideonella enzyme is actually very early in its evolutiona­ry developmen­t”, says Andy Pickford, a professor of molecular biophysics at the University of Portsmouth. It is the goal of human scientists to take it the rest of the way.

When any living organism wishes to break down a larger compound – whether a string of DNA, or a complex sugar, or plastic – they turn to enzymes, tiny molecular machines within a cell, specialise­d for that task. Enzymes work by helping chemical reactions happen at a microscopi­c scale, sometimes forcing reactive atoms closer together to bind them, or twisting complex molecules at specific points to make them weaker and more likely to break apart.

If you want to improve natural enzyme performanc­e, there are approaches that work in almost every case. Chemical reactions tend to work better at higher temperatur­es, for instance (this is why, if you want to make a cake, it is better to set the oven at 180C rather than 50C); but most enzymes are most stable at the ambient temperatur­e of the organism they work in – 37C in the case of humans. By rewriting the DNA that codes an enzyme, scientists can tweak its structure and function, making it more stable at higher temperatur­es, say, which helps it work faster.

This power sounds godlike, but there are many limitation­s. “It is often two steps forward, one step back,” says Elizabeth Bell, a researcher at the US government’s National Renewable

Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Colorado. Evolution itself involves tradeoffs, and while scientists understand how most enzymes work, it remains difficult to predict the tweaks that will make them work better. “Logical design tends not to work very well, so we have to take other approaches,” says Bell.

Bell’s own work – which focuses on PETase, the enzyme that Ideonella sakaiensis produces to break down PET plastics – takes a brute-force approach in order to turbocharg­e natural evolution. Bell takes the regions of the enzyme that work directly on plastic and uses genetic engineerin­g to subject them to every possible mutation. In the wild, a mutation in an enzyme might occur only once in every few thousand times the bacteria divides. Bell ensures she gets hundreds, or thousands of potentiall­y beneficial mutants to test. She then measures each one for its ability to degrade plastic. Any candidates that show even marginal improvemen­t get another round of mutations. The head of the NREL research group, Gregg Beckham, refers to it as “evolving the crap out of an enzyme”. Last year, she published her latest findings, on a PETase enzyme she had engineered that could degrade PET many times faster than the original enzyme.

But building an enzyme that suits our purposes isn’t just a case of scientists tinkering until they get the perfect tool. Before the publicatio­n of

Oda’s paper in 2016, no one knew that bacteria capable of digesting plastic existed. Now, we have one solidly documented case. Given that we have discovered only a tiny fraction of microbial life, a far better candidate might be out there. In engineerin­g terms, we may currently be trying to squeeze elite racing performanc­e out of a Toyota Yaris engine, when somewhere, yet to be discovered, there is the bacterial equivalent of a Ferrari. “This is something we constantly struggle with,” says Beckham. “Do we go back to the well to search and see if nature has the solution? Or do we take the small footholds we have to the lab and work on them now?”

This question has led to a boom in what is known as bioprospec­ting. Like panning for gold in a river, bioprospec­tors travel the world looking to discover interestin­g and potentiall­y lucrative microbes. In 2019, a team at Gwangju National University in South Korea took a constructi­on drilling rig to the municipal dump outside town, and drilled 15 metres under the trash trenches to reveal decades-old plastic garbage. In it, Prof Soo-Jin Yeom and her students found a variety of the bacteria Bacillus thuringien­sis that appeared to be able to survive using polyethyle­ne bags as food. Yeom’s team is now studying which enzymes the bacteria might be using, and whether it is really able to metabolise the plastic.

In vast mangrove swamps on the coastlines of Vietnam and Thailand, Simon Cragg, a microbiolo­gist from the University of Portsmouth, is hunting for other potential PET-eating microbes. “The plastic-degrading enzymes we’ve already seen are quite similar to natural enzymes that degrade the coatings of plant leaves,” he told me. “Mangroves have a similar waterproof coating in their roots, and the swamps, sadly, also contain a shocking amount of plastic tangled up in them.” His hope is that a bacteria capable of degrading the mangrove roots will be able to make the jump to plastic.

* * *

For most of the roughly 200 years we have been seriously studying them, microbes were in a sort of scientific jail: mainly assumed to be pathogens in need of eradicatio­n, or simple workhorses for a few basic industrial processes, such as fermenting wine or cheese. “Even as recently as 40-50 years ago, microbiolo­gy was treated as a passe science,” Handelsman, the former American Society for Microbiolo­gy president, told me.

In the 20th century, as physics advanced to split the atom, and biologists came to classify many of the world’s plant and animal species, scientists who studied the very, very small domains of life lagged behind. But there were tantalisin­g signs of the hidden world just beyond our reach. As early as the 1930s, microbiolo­gists were puzzling over the disconnect between the microbial world they encountere­d in the wild and what they could study in the laboratory. They found that if they placed a sample – say a drop of seawater or smear of dirt – under a microscope, they could see hundreds of wondrous and varied organisms swirling about. But if they placed the same sample on to the gelatinous nutrient slurry of a petri dish, only a few distinct species would survive and grow. When they went to count the number of microbial colonies growing on the plate, it was a meagre handful compared to what they had just seen magnified. This would later be dubbed “the great plate count anomaly”. “With the microscope, and then the electron microscope, you could see all these hints. But these species wouldn’t grow on the plates, which is how we would characteri­se and study them,” said William Summers, a physician and historian of science at Yale.

Like a rare and exotic animal that cannot thrive in captivity, most micro-organisms didn’t seem suited for life in the lab. And so scientists were stuck with whatever could survive in their limited conditions. Yet there were some microbiolo­gists who attempted to escape this straitjack­et and discover the true extent of the microbial kingdom. The story of the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming in 1928 is familiar: a fungal spore wafting through the corridors of St Mary’s hospital and settling at random in Fleming’s petri dish contained penicillin, which turned out to be one of the most potent medical weapons of the 20th century. Less well known, but no less significan­t, is the story of the Rutgers University chemist Selman Waksman, who coined the term “antibiotic” after noting that certain soil bacteria produced toxins that killed or inhibited other bacteria with whom they were competing for food. Waksman worked tirelessly to figure out the conditions required to grow these wild bacteria in his lab, and his efforts produced not just the second commercial­ly available antibiotic, streptomyc­in, in 1946, but the next five antibiotic­s brought to market, too. Ultimately, searching the soil for antibiotic-producing microbes proved far more fruitful than waiting for them to float into one’s laboratory. Today, 90% of all antibiotic­s are descended from the grouping of bacteria that yielded Waksmans original discoverie­s.

Efforts like Waksman’s were relatively rare. It wasn’t until the discovery of simple chemical techniques to read the sequence of DNA – first emerging in the 1970s, but widely and commercial­ly available from the mid-1980s – that things began to change. Suddenly the microbes under the microscope could be catalogued and identified by their DNA, which also hinted at how they might grow and function. Not only that, says Handelsman, “the genetic diversity we were seeing was enormous”. It turned out that “these life forms that looked quite similar are in fact very, very different. It opened this door to realising how much more was out there.”

About 25 years ago, the consensus among scientists was that there were probably fewer than ten million species of microbes on the planet; in the past decade, some new studies have put the number as high as a trillion, the vast majority still unknown. In our bodies, scientists have found microbes that affect everything from our ability to resist disease to our very moods. In the deep seas, scientists have found microbes that live on boiling thermal vents. In crude oil deposits, they have found microbes that have evolved to break down fossil fuels. The more we look, the more extraordin­ary discoverie­s we will make.

Their adaptabili­ty makes microbes the ideal companion for our turbulent times. Microbes evolve in ways and at speeds that would have shocked Darwin and his contempora­ries. Partly because they divide quickly and can have population sizes in the billions, and partly because they often have access to evolutiona­ry tricks unknown to more complex lifeforms – rapidly swapping DNA between individual­s, for instance – they have found ways to thrive in extreme environmen­ts. And, at this historical moment, humans are creating more extreme environmen­ts across the globe at an alarming rate. Where other animals and plants have no hope of evolving a solution quickly enough to outpace their changing habitats, microbes are adapting fast. They bloom in acidified water, and are discovered chewing up some of the putrid chemicals we slough off into the natural world. Just as Kohei Oda suggested, for many of our self-created problems, they are proposing their own solutions.

* * *

Finding new microbes and tinkering with them in the lab are the first steps, but scientists know that the final leap – into what they tend to call “the real world” or “industry” – can be elusive. In the case of plastic-eating microbes, that leap has now been made. Since 2021, a French company named Carbios has been running an operation that uses a bacterial enzyme to process about 250kg of PET plastic waste every day, breaking it down into its precursor molecules, which can then be made directly into new plastic. It’s not quite composting it back into the earth itself, but Carbios has achieved the holy grail of plastic recycling, bringing it much closer to an infinitely recyclable material like glass or aluminium.

Carbios works out of a low-slung industrial facility in Clermont-Ferrand, on the very same grounds as the first Michelin tyre factory. But inside, it resembles less a noxious old factory and more an urban brewery, with processed plastic waste sitting inside great steel fermentati­on silos. There is the sound of liquid rushing through pipes, but no fumes or smell. Dirty plastic from recycling depots sits in bales, ready to be transforme­d.

The plastic is first shredded and then run through a machine that resembles an immense die-press, which freezes it and forces it through a tiny opening at great pressure. The plastic pops out as pellets – or nurdles, as they’re known – about the size of corn kernels. At the microscopi­c level, the plastic nurdle is much less dense than what plastic chemists call its original “crystallin­e” form. The fibres that make up the plastic were originally

packed into a tight lattice that made them smooth and strong; now, while still intact, the fibres are further apart and slack, which gives the enzymes a bigger area to attack.

In the wild, the bacteria would produce a limited amount of plastic-targeting enzyme, and many other enzymes and waste products as well. To accelerate the process, Carbios pays a biotech company to harvest and concentrat­e huge amounts of pure plastic-digesting enzyme from bacteria. The Carbios scientists then place the plastic nurdles in a solution ofwater and enzyme, inside a sealed steel tank several metres high. In the adjoining lab where the process is tested, you can observe the reaction taking place in smaller vessels. Inside, the off-white plastic bits swirl about like the flakes in a snowglobe. As time goes on, the plastic erodes away, its components dissolving into the solution, leaving only a greyish liquid churning behind the glass. The liquid now contains not solid PET, but two liquid chemicals called ethylene glycol and terephthal­ic acid, which can be separated out and turned into new plastic.

The technique Carbios has developed appears to scale easily. Two years ago the company was recycling a few kilos of plastic in a lab; now it can do about 250kg a day. In 2025, it will open a much bigger facility near the border with Belgium, with the capacity to recycle more than 130 tonnes a day.

The reason France has a working plastic recycling factory that uses bacterial technology, but the US and China do not, is that the French state has made plastic waste an urgent priority, setting a target that by 2025 all plastic packaging used in France must be fully recycled. While environmen­tal campaigner­s would prefer eliminatin­g new plastic entirely, Macron is betting that some amount of high-quality new plastic will be needed in the coming decades, and has taken a personal interest in Carbios, singling them out for praise on his LinkedIn account. The pressure appears to be working. Some of France’s largest manufactur­ers – from L’Oréal to Nestlé, and the outdoor outfitter Salomon – have signed up with Carbios to take on their waste. As government­s around the world begin the slow grind toward meeting their ambitious pledges to reduce plastic waste, more are likely to follow.

These factories aren’t a magic solution. The enzyme recycling process is a series of biological and chemical reactions, and as they scale up, you’re reminded that nature is a ruthless accountant. If you track the various inputs required, and the carbon emissions, you find that cleaning the plastic, then heating and freezing it, comes with a major energy cost. The chemical reaction itself turns the surroundin­g solution acidic, and so like an outdoor pool, chemical base must be constantly added to the solution to keep it close to neutral, which creates several kilograms of sodium sulphate as a byproduct each time the reaction runs. Sodium sulphate has many uses, including glassmakin­g and in detergents, but everything from manufactur­ing the chemical base, to moving the sodium sulphate on to further uses, adds environmen­tal costs and logistical friction.

In a sunny conference room in the factory complex, Emmanuel Ladent, the Carbios CEO, told me that the company’s recycling process currently produces 51% fewer emissions than making new plastic (with the significan­t added benefits of no new oil drilled to make the plastic, and no net addition of plastics to the world). “Very good,” he concluded, “but the hope is we are just getting started.” Carbios has not released their analysis publicly, but several other scientists familiar with the field told me that halving emissions was within the best-case scenarios for this kind of recycling.

Carbios and the scientists behind it – the University of Toulouse biologists Alain Marty and Vincent Tournier – have been working in the field for more than a decade. While many other scientists began doing similar work after the publicatio­n of Oda’s discovery, Marty and Tournier started out in the mid-00s. They used a different enzyme, called leaf compost cutinase (LCC), which did not evolve to work on plastic, but which Marty and Tournier thought had the potential to do so. (The waxy coating of leaves, which the enzyme works on, bear a close similarity to plastic.) “It was a bit weak, and it didn’t work well with any kind of high temperatur­e, but it was a good beginning,” Marty told me recently. Untold rounds of genetic engineerin­g later, the enzyme clearly works.

Gregg Beckham of the NREL research group says that LCC is “a great enzyme, for sure. It takes names and kicks butt.” But he cautions that it is still imperfect. It prefers highly processed plastic, and it’s not good at working in the acidic soup its own reactions create. Beckham’s hope is that because the enzyme produced by Ideonella Sakeinsis probably evolved to specifical­ly attack plastic, it will provide a better chassis to tinker with. There is, of course, an element of competitio­n here, with scientists casting a sceptical eye over their rivals’ work. When I mentioned Beckham’s comment to Marty at Carbios, he replied: “Every time there’s a new enzyme discovered – most recently this Ideonella Sakiensiso­ne – it creates a lot of buzz. And so we test them – they never work very well in our tests.” After almost 20 years of collaborat­ion, he is loyal to his leaf compost cutinase.


Will highly evolved microbes really deliver us from the plastic crisis? Some scientists think the technology will remain limited. A recent critical review in the journal Nature noted that many kinds of plastics would probably never be efficientl­y enzymatica­lly digested, because of the comparativ­ely huge amount of energy required to break their chemical bonds. Andy Pickford, the professor at Portsmouth, is familiar with the limitation­s, but thinks many good targets still exist. “Nylon is tough but doable,” he says. “Polyuretha­nes, also doable.” The scientists at Carbios agree, predicting that they will have a process to recycle nylon within a few years. If those prediction­s come to pass, about a quarter of all plastics would become truly recyclable; if there turns out to be an enzyme match for all the plastics that are theoretica­lly susceptibl­e to being broken down, just under half of all plastic waste could be on the table.

Even so, what most scientists are working towards is a world in which enzymes are set to work turning old plastic into new plastic. This is frustratin­gly limited in scope. It makes economic sense – but it is still producing plastic, and using energy to do so. And while recycling may slow down new plastic production, it won’t help us claw back the unfathomab­le amount of plastic that we have already released into the world, much of which remains too widespread, difficult and dirty to recapture.

No one has yet found a microbe that can truly transform an untreated piece of plastic in the way they transform organic matter: starting with a pile of carbon – say, a human body – and leaving nothing but the indigestib­le skeletal bits within a year or so. When scientists find plastic-eating microbes on bottles at the dump, or on rafts of rubbish in the ocean, the best these microbes can do is a kind of light gnawing. Like a teething baby, they aren’t going to have much effect on anything that isn’t softened and spoon-fed to them.

But microbes do have the ability to nullify some of the planet’s most noxious toxins, cleansing entire landscapes in the process. This works best on chemicals that have been present on earth for millions of years, allowing microbes to develop a taste for them. When the Exxon Valdez dumped 41m litres of oil into the Gulf of Alaska in 1989, coverage of the cleanup focused on images of environmen­talists scrubbing oil-sodden seals and puffins. But much of the actual oil removal was accomplish­ed by bacteria that naturally feed on crude oil. Nearly 50,000kg of nitrogen fertiliser was spread along the shoreline to turbocharg­e bacterial growth. Similarly, when a former industrial site in Stratford, east London, was chosen for the 2012 Olympic Games, the committee charged with cleaning it up moved more than 2,000 dump trucks’ worth of soil contaminat­ed with petroleum and other chemicals to sites where it was pumped full of nitrogen and oxygen for weeks, inducing a bloom of bacterial growth that consumed the toxins. The soil was returned to Stratford, and the Olympic park sits atop it now.

The question of whether the same could be accomplish­ed with plastic in the environmen­t has received far less interest – and funding – than the prospect of more effective recycling. “There is not exactly a market incentive to clean up our waste, whether it’s CO2, or plastic,” says Victor di Lorenzo, a scientist at the Spanish National Biotechnol­ogy Centre in Madrid, and an evangelist for the large-scale applicatio­n of microbes to solve humanity’s problems. “There is a return on investment to recycle plastic. But who will pay for these larger-scale projects that would help wider society? This is something only public support would remedy.”

Aside from the market problem, there is also a legal one. Once a microbial species has been geneticall­y engineered, almost every country restricts its release back into the wild without special permission - which is rarely granted. The reasons for this are obvious. In the 1971 science fiction story Mutant 59: The Plastic Eater, a virus with the ability to instantane­ously melt plastic spreads across the world, knocking planes out of the air and collapsing houses. It is unlikely any plastic-eating bacteria would become that efficient, but perturbing microbes can have devastatin­g consequenc­es.

Di Lorenzo is convinced the danger of this kind of work is minimal. “With early GMOs, people turned on them. Scientists were arrogant. It seemed like it was all about dominating nature and making profits. But we have a chance to remake that conversati­on. We could enter a new partnershi­p between science and the natural world. If we present it honestly to people, they can decide whether it’s worth the risk.”

The vision of a deeper partnershi­p with microbes is a powerful one. The EU has funded several groups to develop microbes and enzymes to turn plastic into fully biodegrada­ble materials, rather than just new plastic. Last year, a German group engineered the Ideonella sakaiensis PETase into a marine algae, noting that someday it could be used to break down microplast­ic in the ocean.

Oda is convinced we haven’t even scratched the surface. When he and his colleagues first found Ideonella at the dump nearly 20 years ago, it wasn’t working solo. “As soon as I saw the film of micro-organisms on the plastic, I knew it was many microbes working together,” Oda told me. His team realised that while Ideonella was breaking the plastic into its industrial­ly valuable precursors, other microbes were stepping in to further chew those into simple nutrients the microbial community could use. They were symbiotic. Partners, in a way. Oda has since written several papers pointing out that microbial communitie­s might be developed into a system to remove microand nanoplasti­cs from the soil. But he has received little interest.

In our conversati­ons, Oda repeatedly bemoaned the lack of truly worldchang­ing ideas coming from people who wanted to commercial­ise the discoverie­s he and his colleagues had made. There was an incredible amount of excitement about a factory that could turn old plastic into new; far less, it seemed, about one that could turn plastic back into water and air.

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 ?? ?? ‘Cringe-worthy comes to mind.’ Photograph: Mario Tama/Getty Images
‘Cringe-worthy comes to mind.’ Photograph: Mario Tama/Getty Images
 ?? Photograph: Kohei Oda, Kyoto Institute of Technology ?? Ideonella sakaiensis (left) and the degraded remains of plastic it had ‘eaten’ (right).
Photograph: Kohei Oda, Kyoto Institute of Technology Ideonella sakaiensis (left) and the degraded remains of plastic it had ‘eaten’ (right).
 ?? Illustrati­on: Lars Leetaru/The Guardian ??
Illustrati­on: Lars Leetaru/The Guardian

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