The Guardian (USA)

Nobody Has to Know review – whimsical tale of gentle deceit in the Outer Hebrides

- Ryan Gilbey

‘Have you guys seen Jason Bourne?” asks Brian (Andrew Still), a farm labourer in the Outer Hebrides, near the start of Nobody Has to Know. “It’s exactly the same kind of set-up!” How droll of the writer-director Bouli Lanners to invoke that breakneck action franchise when his own film could scarcely be more different, save for a plot involving memory loss. The closest thing here to an action set-piece occurs when an estate agent is tardy returning to the office, leaving her colleague to take a later-than-usual lunch break.

If this isn’t a film to set the heart racing, it doesn’t leave that organ entirely untroubled; with his script’s echoes of 40s weepie Random Harvest, Lanners is aiming for similar status. The Bourne-lite hero is Brian’s Belgian co-worker Phil (Lanners), who suffers a stroke. Only a mild, photogenic one, mind you, with no paralysis or facial palsy, just a spot of temporary amnesia manifested in purely whimsical terms; he can’t recall, for instance, how a dalmatian named Nigel ended up in his house. This blank slate also makes it possible for the emotionall­y frigid Millie (Michelle Fairley), daughter of

Phil’s boss, Angus (Julian Glover), to pull a While You Were Sleeping-style fast one on him by pretending they were in a relationsh­ip. “Are we still together?” he asks, dazed yet hopeful.

The British Board of Film Classifica­tion lists this “sexual coercion” among the reasons for the film’s 12A rating, but Lanners neutralise­s potential tastelessn­ess by ensuring that any possible area of conflict – be it the provenance of Nigel, or Phil’s eventual discovery of Millie’s subterfuge – is calmly resolved, leaving behind nary a ripple of drama. Every character here is timid or well-meaning, and even those who haven’t suffered a medical emergency are grappling with issues of the heart.

With a script that doesn’t always sparkle as it might, Nobody Has to Know resembles an Aki Kaurismäki film minus the big laughs and dropdead decor. Frank van den Eeden’s cinematogr­aphy does most of the heavy lifting, with numerous shots of the dramatic Isle of Lewis landscape, or lone characters staring out to sea. Fairley excels among the understate­d cast, even if Millie’s emotional trajectory is predictabl­e; from the moment we see her hair pinned tightly to her head, we know that its inevitable loosening can only be 90-odd minutes away.

• Nobody Has to Know is released on 3 November in UK cinemas.

 ?? ?? Nobody Has to Know. Photograph: © Versus production
Nobody Has to Know. Photograph: © Versus production

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