The Guardian (USA)

Colombian guerrilla group releases Luis Díaz’s father after 13 days as hostage

- Luke Taylor in Bogotá

The father of the Liverpool footballer Luis Díaz has been freed after being held for 13 days in captivity by a guerrilla group in Colombia.

Members of the National Liberation Army (ELN) handed Luis Díaz Sr over to members of the Catholic church and the UN on Thursday afternoon, ending almost two weeks of internatio­nal speculatio­n over his whereabout­s and growing concern for his safety.

Armed men abducted Díaz Sr and his wife on 28 October in their home town of Barrancas in Colombia’s northern La Guajira state. Though Cilenis Marulanda, the footballer’s mother, was freed hours later, Díaz Sr was smuggled away on a motorbike.

Local reports alleged that he had been abducted by local mafia but the true identity of his captors was revealed on 2 November when a team of government officials negotiatin­g with armed groups said the ELN, the country’s oldest active guerrilla group, held him hostage.

Local television channels showed Díaz Sr at an airstrip in the city of Valledupar in Colombia’s Cesar province on Thursday after he descended from a helicopter.

The government’s negotiatin­g delegation at peace talks with ELN said in a statement it celebrated the liberation and that Díaz Sr was safe and sound, but that the kidnapping “should never have happened”.

“The current process with the ELN has advanced like no other until today. Regardless, our delegation considers that the kidnapping of Luis Manuel Díaz has placed our dialogue in a critical situation and because of it, the time has come to take decisions to eliminate kidnapping,” the statement said.

ELN leaders pledged on 2 November to free the 56-year-old, raising hopes of his imminent release, but Díaz’s family, Colombians and football fans across the world were left waiting anxiously for news of his freedom for almost another week.

Colombia’s president, Gustavo Petro, earlier criticised the armed rebels for putting Díaz’s life in unnecessar­y danger and harming peace negotiatio­ns with the government.

“There is a willingnes­s expressed by the [ELN’s leadership] to release him as soon as possible but the hours pass and, as time passes, the circumstan­ces in which Mr Diaz is in become very dangerous,” Petro told journalist­s in Washington DC last Friday.

Díaz’s family demanded proof this week that he was still alive as fears grew for his safety.

The ELN has blamed the Colombian military – which has been combing a mountain range bordering Venezuela for signs of Diaz’s whereabout­s – for the delays.

It is not yet clear who brokered his freedom and whether the armed rebels received payment in exchange for freeing him.

Díaz Jr joined Liverpool from Porto for €40m in January 2022, quickly proving himself one of the club’s most talented players and the Colombian national team’s brightest star. The 26-yearold was absent from Liverpool’s squad against Bournemout­h and Nottingham Forest but returned to play Luton on

Sunday, scoring an injury-time equaliser.

The ELN’s involvemen­t in Díaz Sr’s capture has cast the world’s eyes on the human rights violations committed by the guerrillas and threatens to derail peace negotiatio­ns with armed groups in Colombia. The ELN agreed to a sixmonth ceasefire with the government in June this year and pledged not to take civilians hostage.

Sergio Guzmán, the director of Colombia Risk Analysis, said: “The kidnapping of the parents of one of Colombia’s soccer stars and most beloved public figures undermines credibilit­y in the peace process, undermines the credibilit­y of the ELN and worsens the government’s ability to sell Total Peace as a credible alternativ­e to Colombia’s long history of violence and conflict.”

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