The Guardian (USA)

Sellafield nuclear safety and security director to leave

- Anna Isaac and Alex Lawson

The top director responsibl­e for safety and security at Sellafield is to leave the vast nuclear waste dump in north-west England, it has emerged.

Mark Neate, the Sellafield environmen­t, safety and security director, is to leave the organisati­on later this year.

Neate reports directly to Euan Hutton, the interim chief executive of Sellafield, the nuclear waste and decommissi­oning site in Cumbria, which is also the world’s largest store of plutonium.

Multiple safety and cybersecur­ity failings, as well as claims of a “toxic” working culture, were revealed in Nuclear Leaks, a year-long Guardian investigat­ion into Sellafield, last month.

The energy secretary, Claire Coutinho, said the reports were “deeply concerning” and wrote to the Nuclear Decommissi­oning Authority (NDA), the state-owned body which ultimately runs Sellafield, demanding a “full explanatio­n”.

In his response last month, the NDA chief executive, David Peattie, said there had been “necessary changes to the leadership, governance, and risk management of cyber” and responsibi­lity for its cyber function had been moved. A new head of cybersecur­ity was due to take up the role this month, which Peattie said would ensure “sustained focus and leadership on this matter”.

Sellafield said Neate had responsibi­lity for cybersecur­ity operations until January 2023, when control was shifted to report to its chief informatio­n officer.

It declined to say whether Neate’s departure was related to cybersecur­ity and safety failings at the site and said that he made the decision to leave last autumn.

Sources claimed the timing of the exit of Sellafield’s longest-serving director was related to the company’s performanc­e in critical areas including safety and security.

After the Guardian approached Sellafield for comment on Neate’s departure, the company released a statement saying that Neate would be in post for “several more months” and was leaving after a “career dedicated to ensuring the safety and security of the Sellafield site and its workforce”.

Neate said: “I took stock at the end of the summer break and ultimately decided that 2024 was the right time for me to move on.”

Neate joined Sellafield in 2012 and has held a number of roles, including director of security and resilience. He has a military background, including as a strategist during the Iraq war and working with the US army under the then general David Petraeus. Sellafield is yet to confirm an exact leaving date for the executive.

In an interview in 2022, Neate said he was proud of Sellafield’s security record, and acknowledg­ed his responsibi­lities. “If we sneeze here the whole industry gets a cold,” he said. “I do see it as fun,” he said of his job.

Sellafield has “more work to do” to reduce safety incidents, according to its annual accounts for the year to March 2023 which were published in late December. The accounts showed that annual operating costs at the taxpayer-funded site climbed by £170m to £2.5bn.

Last financial year the company pleaded guilty to a prosecutio­n brought by the Office for Nuclear Regulation under health and safety regulation­s after an employee was injured falling from a scaffold ladder while carrying out repair work. The company was fined £400,000 and ordered to pay £29,210 in costs as well as a surcharge of £190.

The GMB trade union last month called on the government and nuclear authoritie­s to take “urgent action” to address concerns over safety at Sellafield.

Sellafield, which has more than 11,000 staff, was last year placed into a form of “special measures” for consistent failings on cybersecur­ity, according to sources at the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) and the security services.

Sellafield said it did not have evidence of a successful cyber-attack after the Guardian revealed that groups linked to Russia and China had penetrated its networks.

A spokespers­on for Sellafield said: “Mark Neate has made the decision to leave Sellafield following a decade of dedicated service working as environmen­t, safety and security director.

“Mark has brought significan­t value to Sellafield over the past decade, including the role that he played in running our response to the Covid crisis, and we are sad to see him go.

“He made the decision in autumn last year to leave the company, and will continue in his role to ensure a smooth transition to his successor.”

Sellafield issued a range of responses to the Guardian’s reports into its cybersecur­ity, safety and cultural issues, which it published online.

 ?? ?? Sellafield, a nuclear waste site in Cumbria, is also the world’s largest store of plutonium. Photograph: David Levene/The Guardian
Sellafield, a nuclear waste site in Cumbria, is also the world’s largest store of plutonium. Photograph: David Levene/The Guardian

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