The Guardian (USA)

Trump lawyers urge supreme court to reinstate him on Colorado ballot

- Reuters in Washington

Donald Trump’s lawyers urged the US supreme court on Thursday to reverse a judicial decision disqualify­ing the former president from Colorado’s Republican primary ballot as the justices prepare to tackle the politicall­y explosive case.

Trump’s lawyers in court papers presented the former US president’s main arguments against a Colorado supreme court ruling on 19 December barring him from the primary ballot over his actions around the January 6 Capitol attack, citing the 14th amendment of the US constituti­on.

The justices have scheduled oral arguments in the case for 8 February.

Trump’s lawyers urged the court to “put a swift and decisive end to these ballot-disqualifi­cation efforts”, noting that similar efforts were under way in more than 30 states.

The lawyers said the 14th amendment provision does not apply to presidents, that the question of presidenti­al eligibilit­y is reserved to Congress, and that Trump did not participat­e in an insurrecti­on.

The brief adheres to an accelerate­d schedule set by the justices on 5 January when they agreed to take up the case. Colorado’s Republican primary is set for 5 March.

Trump is the frontrunne­r for his party’s nomination to challenge Joe Biden in the November 5 election.

The plaintiffs – six conservati­ve Republican or independen­t voters in Colorado – challenged Trump’s eligibilit­y to run for office in light of his actions before the attack.

They now have until 31 January to respond to Trump’s filing.

The Colorado ruling marked the first time that section 3 of the 14th amendment – the so-called disqualifi­cation clause – had been used to find a presidenti­al candidate ineligible.

Section 3 bars from holding office any “officer of the United States” who took an oath “to support the constituti­on of the United States” and then “engaged in insurrecti­on or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof”.

The Colorado lawsuit is part of a wider effort to disqualify Trump from state ballots under the 14th amendment, so the ruling by the justices may shape the outcome of that drive.

For instance, Trump also has appealed to a Maine court a decision by that state’s top election official barring him from the primary ballot under the 14th amendment. That case is on hold until the supreme court issues its ruling in the Colorado case.

The 14th amendment was ratified in the aftermath of the American civil war of 1861-65 in which southern states that allowed the practice of slavery rebelled in a bid for secession.

The Capitol rampage was a bid to prevent Congress from certifying 2020 Biden’s election victory over Trump, who gave an incendiary speech to his supporters beforehand, repeating his false claims of widespread voting fraud.

Trump also faces criminal charges in two cases related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election outcome.

The Colorado plaintiffs have emphasized the lower court‘s findings that Trump’s intentiona­l “mobilizing, inciting, and encouragin­g” of an armed mob to attack the Capitol meets the legal definition in section 3. “This attack was an ‘insurrecti­on’ against the constituti­on by any standard,” they said in legal papers.

 ?? Photograph: Chip Somodevill­a/Getty Images ?? Donald Trump campaigns in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Photograph: Chip Somodevill­a/Getty Images Donald Trump campaigns in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

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