The Guardian (USA)

Germany considers entry ban on Austrian behind mass deportatio­n plan

- Kate Connolly in Berlin

German authoritie­s are closely examining the possibilit­y of an entry ban for the far-right Austrian whose master plan for the deportatio­n of immigrants is at the heart of a storm gripping Germany over the rightwing populist Alternativ­e für Deutschlan­d (AfD) party.

Martin Sellner, the founder of the so-called Identitari­an Movement, which preaches the superiorit­y of European ethnic groups, could be banned from entering Germany if he is deemed to pose a threat to German democratic stability, according to members of the interior affairs committee of the Bundestag.

Martina Renner, the anti-fascism spokespers­on for the leftwing Die Linke and the party’s representa­tive on the interior affairs committee, said she had raised the question this week as to whether the government of Olaf Scholz intended to take measures against Sellner to prevent his entry.

Representa­tives of the interior ministry, in whose power such a ruling lies, confirmed at the meeting that they were examining the options and were in consultati­on with Germany’s security agencies, who would ultimately take the decision.

The proposal appears to have broad support across the political parties. Another committee member, Philipp Amthor, of the conservati­ve CDU, who backed the motion, said: “In our robust democracy we should in general not tolerate any agitation against our constituti­onal order, especially not from foreign extremists like Martin Sellner. In this respect, I think it is right and necessary for the security authoritie­s to seriously examine an entry ban against Martin Sellner.”

However, Amthor urged caution over such a move and called for a precise legal examinatio­n of the case to avoid Sellner being able to present himself as a victim. Legal hurdles to ban entry to Germany are high, especially for EU citizens, and Amthor said these would need to be carefully examined.

The debate follows an exposé by the investigat­ive journalist bureau Correctiv, which this month published details of a meeting in a Potsdam villa in November 2023 at which neo-Nazis, representa­tives of the AfD, members of the CDU belonging to an arch-conservati­ve offshoot of the party and business donors discussed plans presented by Sellner to expel large numbers of foreigners and Germans of foreign origin who had not assimilate­d. The discussion focused on how the plans could feasibly be put into practice were the AfD to gain power.

Sellner confirmed the subject and nature of his talk, including his proposal for a “model city” in north Africa to which people could be deported. The so-called remigratio­n plans were “widely and openly discussed in patriotic circles”, he told the meeting.

AfD’s leadership has denied supporting the ideas. Alice Weidel, a coleader, sacked her closest aide after he confirmed he had attended the meeting.

The emergence of plans to examine an entry ban follow days of protest against the AfD, as well as debate about the possibilit­y of banning the party on the grounds that it is anti-constituti­onal.

Nationally, the party is on about 20% in the polls, the second strongest standing behind the conservati­ve CDU/ CSU. It is leading in three eastern states where elections are due to be held in the autumn.

Sellner, seen as one of the leading far-right influencer­s, is a frequent visitor to Germany. A ban would put paid to his visits but might well increase his stardom within the far-right scene, experts have warned.

The same argument has been applied over proposals to ban the AfD. The party already puts much emphasis on what it perceives as its own victimhood, for instance over intelligen­ce agencies’ classifica­tion of it in several states as rightwing extremist.

Most recently, Sellner joined farmers protesting in Germany this month against plans to reduce their fuel subsidies.

He founded the Identitari­an Movement (Identitäre Bewegung Österreich) in Austria in 2012 and although he has since withdrawn as its official leader, he remains its poster boy and continues to be very active in the background, including mobilising support for the movement and attempting to influence politics in Germany, Austria and elsewhere in the region.

The movement believes in the superiorit­y of European ethnic groups. Among the ideologies it promotes are pan-European nationalis­m, remigratio­n and the “great replacemen­t” conspiracy theory. Its aim is for slow, long-term change and typically it uses euphemisti­c, meek language such as “remigratio­n” to convey its ideas and anchor them in mainstream thinking, in particular among young people.

Sellner first came to the attention of authoritie­s as a teenager when he was caught putting swastika stickers on a synagogue. Describing himself as a neo-Nazi until 2011, his switch to identitari­anism was influenced by a Holocaust denier as well as his membership in an establishe­d Austrian Bürschensc­haft, or nationalis­t student associatio­n.

Sellner confirmed to German media that he had participat­ed in the Potsdam meeting. He also confirmed his intention of using the meeting to help construct rightwing extremist public support for identitari­an ideas, with the help of influencer­s, in part to alter the “climate of opinion” towards the “decades project” of remigratio­n.

The Identitari­an Movement hit the headlines in 2019 when it was revealed that Sellner had been in contact with the gunman who carried out the Christchur­ch attacks in New Zealand, Brenton Tarrant, who made a €1,500 donation to Sellner’s organisati­on. Since then, Austrian authoritie­s have been examining the possibilit­y of banning the movement.

Sellner later used the protest movement around coronaviru­s to recruit new members. Since 2015 he has been active in the Institute for State Policy, a far-right thinktank run by the German publisher Götz Kubitschek that has been classified as rightwing extremist by authoritie­s in Saxony Anhalt, where Kubitschek lives.

In 2017, Sellner chartered a boat and tried to prevent asylum seekers from crossing the Mediterran­ean. Viewed as a bridge builder between identitari­ans, thinktanks and rightwing parliament­arians, Sellner is variously viewed as the hope of rightwing extremist movements dreaming of gaining power or a grave threat to democracy and the rule of law.

Mehmet Daimagüler, an anti-racism ombudsman, joined the calls for an entry ban, urging the government to tighten measures in general to enable entry and resident bans to be applied more easily to rightwing extremists such as Sellner.

In a letter to the interior minister, Nancy Faeser, he cited the increase in a “transnatio­nal network of rightwing extremist actors” and the “threat they pose for internal security in Germany”. As a result, he said, it was “necessary that all legal measures at the state’s disposal are used against such rightwing offenders”.

 ?? Photograph: Georg Hochmuth/AFP/Getty Images ?? Martin Sellner, pictured in 2019, founded the identitari­an movement in Austria in 2012.
Photograph: Georg Hochmuth/AFP/Getty Images Martin Sellner, pictured in 2019, founded the identitari­an movement in Austria in 2012.
 ?? Photograph: Michele Tantussi/Getty Images ?? Protest against the AfD in Berlin on Sunday.
Photograph: Michele Tantussi/Getty Images Protest against the AfD in Berlin on Sunday.

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