The Guardian (USA)

‘A new abyss’: Gaza and the hundred years’ war on Palestine

- Rashid Khalidi

For people everywhere, myself included, the awful images that have come out of Gaza and Israel since 7 October 2023 have been inescapabl­e. This war hangs over us like a motionless black cloud that gets darker and more ominous with the passage of endless weeks of horror unspooling before our eyes. Having friends and family there makes this much harder to bear for many of us living far away.

Some have argued that these events represent a rupture, an upheaval, that this was “Israel’s 9/11” or that it is a new Nakba, an unpreceden­ted genocide. Certainly, the scale of these events, the almost real-time footage of atrocities and unbearable devastatio­n – much of it captured on phones and spread on social media – and the intensity of the global response, are unpreceden­ted. We do seem to be in a new phase, where the execrable “Oslo process” is dead and buried, where occupation, colonisati­on and violence are intensifyi­ng, where internatio­nal law is trampled on, and where long-fixed tectonic plates are slowly moving.

But while much has changed in the past six months, the horrors we witness can only be truly comprehend­ed as a cataclysmi­c new phase in a war that has been going on for several generation­s. This is the thesis of my book The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: that events in Palestine since 1917 resulted from a multi-stage war waged on the indigenous Palestinia­n population by great power patrons of the Zionist movement – a movement that was both settler colonialis­t and nationalis­t, and which aimed to replace the Palestinia­n people in their ancestral homeland. These powers later allied with the Israeli nation-state that grew out of that movement. Throughout this long war, the Palestinia­ns have fiercely resisted the usurpation of their country. This framework is indispensa­ble in explaining not only the history of the past century and more, but also the brutality that we have witnessed since 7 October.

Seen in this light, it is clear that this is not an age-old struggle between Arabs and Jews that has been going on since time immemorial, and it is not simply a conflict between two peoples. It is a recent product of the irruption of imperialis­m into the Middle East and of the rise of modern nation-state nationalis­ms, both Arab and Jewish; it is a product of the violent European settlercol­onial methods employed by Zionism to “transform Palestine into the land of Israel”, in the words of an early Zionist leader, Ze’ev Jabotinsky; and it is a product of Palestinia­n resistance to these methods.

Moreover, this war has never been one just between Zionism and Israel on one side and the Palestinia­ns on the other, occasional­ly supported by Arab and other actors. It has always involved the massive interventi­on of the greatest powers of the age on the side of the Zionist movement and Israel: Britain until the second world war, and the US and others since then. These great powers were never neutral or honest brokers, but have always been active participan­ts in this war in support of Israel. In this war between coloniser and colonised, oppressor and oppressed, there has been nothing remotely approachin­g equivalenc­e between the two sides, but instead a vast imbalance in favour of Zionism and Israel.

This thesis has been starkly confirmed by the events that followed 7 October, with the imbalance of power evident in the disproport­ionate levels of death, destructio­n and displaceme­nt: the ratio of Palestinia­ns to Israelis killed so far is about 25-1. It is further reinforced by the overwhelmi­ng level of US political, diplomatic and military support for Israel, combined with that of the UK and other western countries, in contrast with the relatively limited military and financial backing for the Palestinia­ns by Iran and several non-state actors.

While much has changed since 7 October, the events of the past six months are not unique, and do not stand outside history. We can only properly understand them within the context of the century-long war waged on Palestine, notwithsta­nding efforts by Israel to deny the relevance of context, and to explain them in terms of the “barbarity” characteri­stic of its enemies. While the actions of Hamas and Israel since 7 October might appear to represent a change or a departure, they are consistent with decades of Israeli ethnic cleansing, military occupation and theft of Palestinia­n land, with years of the siege and deprivatio­n of the Gaza Strip, and with an often violent Palestinia­n response to these actions.

However this episode in the long war on Palestine ends, it has clearly had a profound traumatic impact on both Palestinia­ns and Israelis. This is true in terms of the exceptiona­l number of those killed, wounded, missing, captured or detained; the unpreceden­ted destructio­n of homes and infrastruc­ture in the Gaza Strip; the huge number of families affected, especially among Palestinia­ns; and the intense psychologi­cal impact of these events.

An immense degree of harm has been done to Palestinia­n and Israeli civilian population­s in a short period. The reported Palestinia­n toll of more than 33,000 killed, together with perhaps 8,000 missing and presumed dead, the overwhelmi­ng majority of them civilians, is by far the highest in any phase of this century-long war. In the 1947-49 war about 15,000 Palestinia­n civilians and combatants were killed; in 1982, during Israel’s invasion of Lebanon and siege of Beirut, it killed more than 19,000 Palestinia­n and Lebanese civilians and combatants. In the six months since 7 October, the numbers of dead and injured – roughly 120,000 – amount to around 5% of the Gaza Strip’s population of 2.3 million.

Israel’s civilian death toll of more than 800 is the highest since the 1948 war. More than 685 Israeli soldiers, police and security personnel have been killed so far – more than the number of soldiers killed in the 1956 Sinai war, the 1982 Lebanon invasion, the second intifada, and the 2006 war on Lebanon. Total Israeli casualties, including soldiers and civilians killed and wounded, have surpassed those of the 1967 war. Additional­ly, about 250 Israeli civilians, soldiers and foreign nationals were taken captive in October last year, with more than 100 still held hostage.

Over the entire course of this long war, never have such large numbers of Palestinia­ns and Israelis been driven from their homes. While about 750,000 Palestinia­ns – more than half of the Palestinia­n population at the time – were ethnically cleansed from what became Israel between 1947 and 1949, and about 300,000 from the West Bank and Gaza Strip after the 1967 occupation, these numbers have been dwarfed by the approximat­ely 1.7 million Gazans whom Israel has displaced since 7 October. Meanwhile, at least 250,000 Israelis have been displaced from settlement­s and towns in areas bordering the Gaza Strip and Lebanon.

These traumatic shocks have had a huge impact on both societies. In Israel, the violence of 7 October, especially the elevated numbers of civilians killed, wounded and captured, with the gruesome results live-streamed via social media and repeatedly played on television, has had a visceral impact on the entire country. The attacks evoked historical memories of violence and persecutio­n, and shattered the sense of security that Israel supposedly provided for its citizens. It almost seems as if, in the Israeli public consciousn­ess, time has stood still since October 7 as the searing effect of this collective trauma plays on a loop. The result has been to accelerate the ongoing rightward shift in Israeli society, with politician­s and public discourse becoming even more aggressive and intransige­nt. The attacks provoked an intense thirst for revenge, evident from the brutal manner in which Israel’s war has been conducted, and the nation’s sense of perpetual victimhood has been reinforced, despite the immense power imbalance between Israel and the Palestinia­ns.

The unending stream of images of Gaza’s devastatio­n, the enormous casualty tolls, the scores of families completely wiped out by Israel’s AI targeting, and the starvation and disease caused by crippling Israeli restrictio­ns on the transit of water, food, medicine, fuel and electricit­y into the Gaza Strip – blatant violations of internatio­nal humanitari­an law – have traumatise­d Palestinia­ns everywhere. Parents and grandparen­ts had told them about the Nakba and other tragic episodes in their people’s history. But looking at the moonscape that Israel has turned Gaza into, Palestinia­ns have neverthele­ss been shocked by the ruthless murder of thousands of civilians and the vast destructio­n of homes, hospitals, schools, places of worship and infrastruc­ture, in what has been described by a US military historian as “one of the most intense civilian punishment campaigns in history”. Beyond their grappling with these hideous realities for months, Palestinia­ns are haunted by historical memories of the Nakba, and by the question of when and whether this war will end, and how Gazans can ever have a normal life again.

These shocking events have reverberat­ed around the world, as the seemingly endless series of atrocities Israel has inflicted on Gazans has been viewed in real time on mainstream, alternativ­e and social media. This is the first time a generation of young people across the globe has watched such images of carnage for months. In January, a poll found that almost half of 18- to 29-year-old Americans believe Israel is committing genocide. Palestine has become a central cause for activists young and old, uniting various streams of opposition to the global status quo. At the same time, it has divided families along generation­al lines, shattering the complacent consensus among western liberals that, in spite of its flaws, Israel is a force for good.

Israel has been accused by South Africa of genocide in Gaza before the internatio­nal court of justice, which by an overwhelmi­ng vote agreed to consider the case and ordered interim measures. This is not the first time that Israel has been accused of violating internatio­nal law, accusation­s that it scorns, but this process has accelerate­d during this war, inflicting a mounting toll on Israel’s increasing­ly tarnished global image.

The suffering Israel is visiting on Gaza has further diminished its already gravely impaired legitimacy globally. Beyond the possibilit­y of a major escalation of the war to other parts of the Middle East, the aftershock­s may well have long-term ramificati­ons for the internal politics of Israel, the Pales

tinians and Arab and regional states, as well as on Israel’s future in the region, and perhaps even the outcome of the US presidenti­al election.

This war will undoubtedl­y produce changes in Israel’s long-term strategy towards the Palestinia­ns. The surprise attack of 7 October and the cascading battlefiel­d failures that followed exposed the weaknesses of Israeli military planning, intelligen­ce and its vaunted surveillan­ce technology. These failures resulted in the killing or capture of more than 1,000 Israeli troops and civilians, and the overrunnin­g of multiple border settlement­s, some of which were not retaken until 10 October. This was one of the worst defeats in Israel’s military history. This is also the first time since 1948 that war has been waged with such a degree of ferocity inside Israel. With the partial exception of the second intifada, in 75 years Israel has been exposed to nothing comparable to this direct assault on its civilian population on its territory.

Shaken by this catastroph­ic defeat, the Israeli government has indicated that it will maintain long-term security control over the Gaza Strip, refusing to withdraw its troops fully, which in practice would amount to an extended full or partial reoccupati­on. Given the enclave’s history since 1948 as the most intense site of resistance to Israel’s dispossess­ion and rule over Palestinia­ns, there may be no clear ending to this new phase of the conflict in the near future.

Another shift rooted in the military fiasco of 7 October is that it represents the temporary collapse of Israel’s security doctrine. This is often misnamed “deterrence”, but it is in fact derived from the aggressive approach first taught to the founders of Israel’s armed forces – officers such as Moshe Dayan, Yigal Allon and Yitzhak Sadeh, chosen members of the Haganah and Palmach militias who were trained in the late 1930s by veteran British colonial counter-insurgency experts. The doctrine holds that by attacking pre-emptively or in a retaliator­y fashion with overwhelmi­ng force, and by striking directly at civilian population­s considered supportive of insurgents, the enemy can be decisively defeated, permanentl­y intimidate­d and forced to accept the terms of the coloniser. In the past, where Gaza was concerned, this doctrine – described by Israeli analysts as “mowing the lawn” – involved periodical­ly pounding the population and killing large numbers of them to force them to accept a status quo of siege and blockade that has lasted for 17 years.

I call this a temporary collapse of the doctrine, because while the events of 7 October exposed the bankruptcy of a force-based approach to an essentiall­y political problem, the Israeli leadership has clearly learned nothing. Instead, it has doubled down on previous practices, in keeping with the Israeli adage: “If force does not work, use more force.” Israeli leaders seem to have forgotten Clausewitz’s dictum that war is a continuati­on of politics by other means.

In the words of the Israeli political sociologis­t Yagil Levy, in its war on Gaza, Israel’s “political framework is a military framework. Netanyahu shapes policy within a world of military concepts. There is no political exit strategy and no political vision, which are the ABCs of any war.” Driven by a desire for revenge for their humiliatin­g military defeat, and in blind adherence to Israel’s outmoded security doctrine based on force, a divided leadership has no unified political objective in this campaign. Instead, it brandishes the empty slogan of “complete victory” and the notion of restoring an aggressive posture of “deterrence”, which is futile because it manifestly failed to deter attacks in the past, and is likely to be equally ineffectiv­e in the future.

There is ample evidence that the Israeli government originally desired to exploit the opportunit­y provided by the war to carry out further ethnic cleansing of Palestinia­ns, whether by their expulsion to Egypt or Jordan, and that, disgracefu­lly, the US tried to persuade both countries to go along with this, which they categorica­lly refused to do. The strong settler faction within the government still advocates this, and possibly even hopes to resettle the Gaza Strip.

Instead of defining a precise political aim, an Israeli government lacking a consensus on policy has declared that its goal is the complete destructio­n of Hamas, a political-military-ideologica­l entity with branches throughout Palestine and the Palestinia­n diaspora – a manifestly impossible mission. It may or may not be feasible for the Israeli army to defeat decisively Hamas’s military forces in the Gaza Strip. However, if Hamas manages to retain even a fraction of its military capacities after many months of fighting, it can claim a pyrrhic victory. As Henry Kissinger once wrote: “The guerrilla wins if he does not lose. The convention­al army loses if it does not win.” Whatever the military outcome, Hamas will not be destroyed as a political force and an ideology.

In light of the devastatin­g impact on Israel of the October attack, and despite the savage toll of Israel’s response, Hamas’s philosophy of armed resistance is unlikely to disappear as long as there is no prospect of an end to military occupation, colonisati­on and oppression of the Palestinia­n people, or of a political horizon promising true Palestinia­n self-determinat­ion and equality. Thus, an upheaval that might have been a catalyst of change may in fact produce continuity of colonisati­on and occupation, of the Israeli establishm­ent’s exclusive reliance on force, and of armed Palestinia­n resistance.

If Israeli prospects are unclear, the postwar political horizon for the Palestinia­ns is also murky. In purely military terms, the scale and scope of Hamas’s October attack was unpreceden­ted. Still, referring again to Clausewitz, it is hard to discern Hamas’s political objectives. At various times in the past, Hamas has proclaimed its willingnes­s to accept a Palestinia­n state alongside Israel, as in its 2017 statement of principles, which considered “the establishm­ent of a fully sovereign and independen­t Palestinia­n state with Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of 4 June 1967, with the return of the refugees and the displaced to their homes from which they were expelled, to be a formula of national consensus.”

On the other hand, in the same document, Hamas called for the “full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea,” and it has consistent­ly refused to accept Israel’s legitimacy or to renounce violence. Both tendencies have been present in contradict­ory statements made by Hamas leaders since October, and in previous and current efforts to join the PLO and unite with other Palestinia­n political forces, or alternativ­ely to treat them as rivals to be superseded.

Both of these tendencies have been reinforced among different segments of the Palestinia­n people since 7 October, with armed resistance finding new advocates, especially among the young, and others cautiously hoping for a breakthrou­gh in the direction of a Palestinia­n state – although the Palestinia­n Authority in Ramallah is disdained by most Palestinia­ns as a security sub-contractor for the Israeli occupation.

One constant in the 100 years of this war is that Palestinia­ns have not been allowed to choose who represents them. As in the past, their preference­s may be unacceptab­le to the powers that be, whether Israel, the western states or their Arab clients. These powers are once again likely to attempt to impose their choice of who represents the Palestinia­ns and who is not allowed to do so, with the Palestinia­ns themselves having no voice in this decision. In the absence of Palestinia­n agreement on a unified and credible political voice representi­ng a national consensus, this would mean that crucial decisions about the future of their people will be made by outside powers, as has happened so many times in the past.

Israel has presented this war as one targeted exclusivel­y at Hamas, claiming that it has scrupulous­ly obeyed internatio­nal humanitari­an law, using “proportion­al” and discrimina­te force, and that civilian deaths were unintentio­nal “collateral damage” because Hamas used civilians as “human shields”. Western government­s and mainstream media repeated these essentiall­y false claims, although they are belied by the death of more than 33,000 civilians, including 13,000 children according to Unicef, the displaceme­nt of 1.7 million people, and the obviously intentiona­l destructio­n of most of the Gaza Strip’s infrastruc­ture through the targeting of hospitals, water purificati­on and sewage plants, electrical, telephone and internet systems, schools, universiti­es, mosques and churches. After six months of war, the scale of this devastatio­n and slaughter, and of the mass starvation caused by Israel, seem to be breaking through the fog of group-think perpetuate­d by western government­s and most of the mainstream media that previously parroted Israeli talking points however obviously deceitful they were.

Most observers not blinded by this false Israeli narrative correctly see this war as directed against Gaza’s population in a form of collective punishment, if not genocide. The resulting outraged response has been almost universal across the Arab world, in most Muslim countries, and in most countries of the Global South. Growing segments of American and European population­s have responded similarly. Until very recently, this reaction has had little discernibl­e effect on the Biden administra­tion’s policy of blanket support for Israel, beyond mild and patently insincere rhetorical reproaches. For many observers, American deliveries of arms and ammunition bypassing congressio­nal safeguards, diplomatic protection of Israel at the UN, rote repetition of Israeli talking points and the callousnes­s of Biden and his officials regarding Palestinia­n suffering are seen as constituti­ng active participat­ion in the commission of war crimes and genocide, earning Biden the epithet of “Genocide Joe”.

Since 7 October, the strong sympathy of the peoples of the Arab countries for the Palestinia­ns, and their public support for their cause (where such expression­s are allowed, and often even where they are not) have exposed the wilful ignorance of western and Israeli policymake­rs and pundits who claimed that the Palestine cause is not important to the Arabs, and that it can be ignored. In response to Israel’s attacks on Gaza there have been months of the largest popular demonstrat­ions seen across numerous Arab cities in a dozen years, including Cairo, Amman, Manama and Rabat, capitals of countries that have diplomatic relations with Israel. The autocratic regimes that blight the region may eventually succeed in repressing their citizens’ sympathy for the Palestinia­ns and hostility towards Israel. Neverthele­ss, in future, these government­s will be obliged to take more carefully into account their peoples’ passionate sense of identifica­tion with the Palestinia­n cause and tailor their policies accordingl­y.

Since October, another element has emerged with great salience: the unequal value that western elites place on Israeli lives (coded as “white”) on the one hand and Arab lives (coded as “brown”) on the other. This egregious double standard has produced a toxic, repressive atmosphere in the spaces dominated by these elites in the US and to a lesser extent in Europe, notably the political arena, corporatio­ns, the media and university campuses. The resulting wave of congressio­nal, corporate, cultural and university witch-hunts has centred on accusation­s that advocacy of Palestinia­n freedom and critiques of Israeli policy or Zionism are somehow antisemiti­c.

This assertion accepts the contention that Israel and Zionism are coterminou­s with Judaism, while ignoring the prominent place of more progressiv­e and younger Jews in supporting Palestinia­n rights and opposing the Israeli government’s actions. It is utterly absurd to claim that opposition to Zionism or Israeli settler colonialis­m is antisemiti­c in principle. If those who settled Palestine were persecuted Scandinavi­an Christians who saw themselves as on a divinely mandated mission to seize the country from its indigenous population, there would be nothing “anti-Christian” in resistance to their efforts.

The political, media and other western elites fostering this McCarthyit­e atmosphere of repression have shown that they regard the killing of Israeli civilians as more worthy of attention than the killing of 25 times as many Palestinia­n civilians. Thus, with some exceptions, the mainstream media generally individuat­es in detail Israeli civilian deaths, which it describes as resulting from atrocities perpetrate­d by Hamas. In contrast, it most frequently describes the far greater number of Palestinia­n civilian deaths collective­ly and in passive terms, and without naming the Israeli agent of their killing, as if unknown or natural phenomena caused their deaths. Thus, Israel does not kill: Palestinia­ns die; Israel does not starve Palestinia­ns, they suffer from famine.

This blatantly biased approach is a double-edged sword: while it may serve Israel in the short run by shoring up the diminishin­g core audience for its skewed portrayal of reality in Palestine, the inherent double standards are transparen­t to most of the world. They are also apparent to growing segments of opinion in the west, especially younger people. Rather than getting their informatio­n from the offerings of the mainstream media, which present the news largely through an Israeli lens, these younger audiences have a varied range of sources, accessed mainly through alternativ­e and social media, which offer a range of images of the death, destructio­n and misery Israel inflicts on Gazans. As a result, they understand perfectly that a high degree of censorship of these realities is imposed by the biases of mainstream media, for which they have fully justified contempt.

In spite of a ferocious wave of repression of Palestinia­n advocacy in the public sphere, among young people the greater availabili­ty of a broader variety of informatio­n has begun to have a political effect in the US, particular­ly after the initial surge of sympathy for Israel in response to the Hamas attacks was supplanted by sympathy for massacred and starved Palestinia­n civilians. In one survey, more than 68% of Americans polled support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Another showed that 57% of those polled disapprove­d of Joe Biden’s handling of the Gaza war, a figure that rose to nearly 75% among 18- to 29-year-old voters.

Since his election as a senator in 1972, Biden has been wedded to the myths about Israel and Palestine that are prevalent in American political and media discourse. His administra­tion has not reversed any of the policies clearly favouring Israel that were enacted by the Trump administra­tion. Biden thus kept in place a range of significan­t deviations from previous US policies, including the transfer of the US embassy to Jerusalem, the closing of the US consulate in East Jerusalem and of the Palestine mission in Washington DC, recognitio­n of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and recognitio­n of Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights.

Beyond this, far from abandoning the Trump administra­tion’s signature approach, dubbed “the Abraham Accords”, of downgradin­g the Palestinia­n issue while focusing on normalisin­g relations between Israel and Arab states, the Biden administra­tion praised these measures that led to open diplomatic relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Morocco and Bahrain, and enraged the Palestinia­ns. Biden and his team went even further. They pressed hard for a SaudiIsrae­li normalisat­ion deal that would have aligned the most influentia­l Arab state with Israel, further weakening the Palestinia­ns and diminishin­g further the prospect of their achieving any of their national objectives.

Although the chimera of a Saudi normalisat­ion deal collided forcefully with reality after 7 October, revealing the difficulti­es the Arab regimes would face by entering relations with a country that vast majorities of their peoples consider to be committing genocide, the Biden administra­tion has never wavered in its aggressive promotion of the idea. It did so while underminin­g its Arab clients with unlimited support for Israel’s savaging of the Gaza Strip, which it has resolutely endorsed as “self-defence”. This support encompasse­d the categorica­l rejection of a permanent ceasefire and the emergency delivery of planeloads of ammunition and weapons, without which Israel could not have sustained its military campaign. More F-15 and F-35 figh

ter-bombers have recently been promised.

By these actions, and by his constant echoing of Israeli rhetoric, Biden reinforced the sense that the US was viscerally hostile to the Palestinia­ns. Even when, months late, he finally insisted that Israel end its mass starvation of Gazans, this was in response not to images of emaciated Palestinia­n babies, but to the deaths of white foreign aid workers.

Even the administra­tion’s call for a “two-state solution” rang hollow. There was no sign that the US would demand implementa­tion of the essential prerequisi­tes for such a solution: a rapid and complete end to Israel’s nearly 57-year military occupation and to its usurpation and colonisati­on of Palestinia­n land, which has planted nearly 750,000 illegal settlers in 60% of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Nor has the administra­tion indicated that it would accept the Palestinia­ns democratic­ally choosing their own representa­tives.

Without firm enforcemen­t of these measures, a call for a “two-state solution” has always been meaningles­s, a cruel Orwellian hoax. Instead of Palestinia­n self-determinat­ion, statehood and sovereignt­y, it would effectivel­y maintain the status quo in Palestine under a different form, with an externally controlled Quisling “Palestinia­n Authority” lacking real jurisdicti­on or authority replaced by a Quisling “Palestinia­n state” similarly devoid of the sovereignt­y and independen­ce that attach to a real state. It would be a travesty: a disjointed archipelag­o of Bantustans under the ultimate control of Israel, with financial and security supervisio­n by the US and its western European and Arab allies.

Looking back over the past six months – at the cruel slaughter of civilians on an unpreceden­ted scale, the millions of people made homeless, the mass famine and disease induced by Israel – it is clear that this marks a new abyss into which the struggle over Palestine has sunk. While this phase reflects the underlying lineaments of previous ones in this 100 years’ war, its intensity is unique, and it has created deep new traumas. Not only does no end to this carnage appear in sight: we seem to be further than ever from a lasting and sustainabl­e resolution, one based on dismantlin­g structures of oppression and supremacy, and on justice, completely equal rights and mutual recognitio­n.

Rashid Khalidi is the author of books including The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler-Colonialis­m and Resistance (Profile, 2020) and a professor of modern Arab studies at Columbia University

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 ?? Jadallah/Anadolu/Getty Images ?? Palestinia­ns returning to the ruins of Khan Younis, Gaza, on 7 April 2024. Photograph: Ali
Jadallah/Anadolu/Getty Images Palestinia­ns returning to the ruins of Khan Younis, Gaza, on 7 April 2024. Photograph: Ali
 ?? Shbair/AP ?? Palestinia­ns in residentia­l buildings in Rafah, February 2024. Photograph: Fatima
Shbair/AP Palestinia­ns in residentia­l buildings in Rafah, February 2024. Photograph: Fatima

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