The Independent (USA)

The joys of being a country mouse in Edgewood

- By Jo White

There is a fair, of sorts, coming up in Edgewood April 27, called “Country Living & Lifestyles.” It looks like good fun for the whole family. You get tickets free online for an event showing you things that maybe you’ve never thought to do, for your home, yard, vehicles and kids.

There will be helpful booths on home improvemen­t, health care, tech support, (which I need every month) and animal care. Since I have lived out here in Edgewood 34 years, and my husband is a native-born boy, I feel I can give a few words of encouragem­ent on this fair.

Home improvemen­t: Tractor Supply has got a ton of neat stuff you can use to pen up those new chicks. Here’s hoping that they grow to lay great eggs later in the spring. They have fencing and feeders, water dishes and the feed itself. Of course, you might want to up your game and make sure our local coyotes don’t have the same type of fencing and locks on their property. We hear them at night, and I am mighty sure they have the codes for most gates. (They sneak under the rest.) Country Living & Lifestyles will guide you and to help you secure those little cute fluffy drumsticks, I mean, egg producers.

Animal Care or Control: To best type of animal control is first deciding what kind of pet you can care for. If you have a small apartment with no yard, a cat or small dog would do the trick. If you have a large yard, you might be good with a large dog, like the one in the cartoons watching the sheep. Like a gigantic dog that could catch gophers. They are so bad, at the former Edgewood Elementary School I fear for my life when I cross the lawn. There are holes there that are deeper than the new black hole they found in space. You might be able to safe trap them. We tried to tender trap our gopher before he ate the fifth rose bush in our yard. The trap was empty except for a note the said, “Thank you for lunch, the bush was delicious, could use Ranch dressing. Goofy Gofer.” Animal Control will be available and can advise you. Bill has recommende­d so many cats and dogs to our relatives that they screen their calls. They only answer if I call on my cell phone. We’ve helped place a lot of cats and dogs.

Arts, Hand-crafted Items or Home Décor: This is where I could use some help. My one friend, Sonja-lee calls my decorating style “Early Mardi Gras.” My other friend Nancy says it is “Late Halloween.” Profession­als can help when it comes to what is too much or too little. Be sure to check these workshops out.

The Route 66 Art Alliance will host an Art Fest for kids. Children learn different ways, but knee-deep in paint always worked for my students when I taught art.

And last, but not least, look for Health Scans and the Bloodmobil­e there from 9 to 12. Take it from me, catch medical problems early and you will live long and prosper. Spock said that, and he had grandchild­ren to tell it to.

I may have taken a few liberties with the facts for this show, but I will be there with Route 66 Art Alliance and you should be too. Thank God I’m a Country Mouse—out.

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