The Iowa Review

Benjamín Naka-hasebe Kingsley

notes grandpa gave the search party upon his rescue

- Benjamín naka-hasebe kingsley

in the woods i met a lady in a black dress or was it a dark tarp laid over sickled branches & on the forest floor i coddled a mother rabbit nursing or was it a cracked violin uncased & & in my first year of sputtering faucets i climbed a ladder of arms and wore a meaty necklace of sapphires it was hard fitting a family of bluebirds over my head when they crowned me king my subjects brought me gold bowls of grape salad beetle feet tickled my tongue from my uvula insects hung in my second year of burnt stove smells i was asleep in lavender cotton and a trickling of fairies came dancing light hello i’m cold and i think i’ll go home now i said to the men in orange vests flashlight­ing or was it to the lightening-struck torch of an upright log in the third year of fire alarms beeping

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