The Iowa Review

What I Like Most about Our Fights

- Grady Chambers

Not the way a secret resentment can be provoked— how to speak it feels like a seed

spit upon the table between us, mean and small. Not reconcilia­tion’s little gestures (enough water

left in the pot for two, your jacket hung back on its hook) and not the relief of after:

backs to the warm brick of the balcony, the pack of matches passed from you

to me, smoking side by side. What I like most about our fights is the midst

of the thick silence, how it fills those moments to the vividness of a picture: it’s raining, warm,

morning. We are angry. We know it is going to be okay. For now, we don’t speak.

I toss a brown egg up and down while waiting for the coffee. The weight of it

falling to my hand; the click its shell makes when it hits my ring—

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