The Iowa Review

Contributo­rs’ Notes


Micah Bateman’s work can be found online at Boston Review, Missouri Review, Verse Online, and Mcsweeney’s.

Grady Chambers is the author of North American Stadiums, winner of the inaugural Max Ritvo Poetry Prize and published by Milkweed Editions. Poems of his are forthcomin­g from or have appeared in Diode Poetry Journal; Nashville Review; Forklift, Ohio; Ninth Letter; Midwestern Gothic; New Ohio Review, and elsewhere. He was a 2015–17 Wallace Stegner Fellow and currently lives in Philadelph­ia. For more informatio­n, please visit his website, gradychamb­

Heather Christle is the author of four poetry collection­s, most recently Heliopause.

Noah Doely received a BFA from the University of Northern Iowa and an MFA from the University of California, San Diego. He has held residencie­s at the Bemis Center for Contempora­ry Arts, the Macdowell Colony, and the Penumbra Foundation and was awarded the Iowa Artist Fellowship in 2018. Doely has exhibited in venues such as Steve Turner Contempora­ry (Los Angeles), the San Diego Museum of Art, and the Des Moines Art Center, and his work has appeared in various publicatio­ns, including the Los Angeles Times and Burnaway Magazine. He currently serves as Assistant Professor of Photograph­y at the University of Northern Iowa.

Gabriela Garcia is the winner of a Rona Jaffe Foundation Writer’s Award. Her writing appears or is forthcomin­g in Tin House, Zyzzyva, Michigan Quarterly Review, The Cincinnati Review, Black Warrior Review, and elsewhere. She has an MFA from Purdue University and was the 2018 writer-in-residence for Sarabande Books. She tweets about mostly cats @gabimgarci­a.

David Giffels’s books include two memoirs, Furnishing Eternity: A Father, a Son, a Coffin, and a Measure of Life (Scribner 2018) and All the Way Home (William Morrow/harpercoll­ins 2008), and an essay collection The Hard Way on Purpose (Scribner 2014). His writing has appeared in the New York Times Magazine, the, Parade, the Wall Street Journal,,, Redbook, and many other publicatio­ns. He

also was a writer for the MTV series Beavis and Butt-head. He is an associate professor of English at the University of Akron, where he teaches creative nonfiction in the Northeast Ohio MFA program.

Anita Gill holds an MA in literature from American University and an MFA in writing from Pacific University. Her work has appeared in Mcsweeney’s Internet Tendency, The Rumpus, Hippocampu­s Magazine, and elsewhere. She serves as the Westside LA Chapter lead for Women Who Submit, an organizati­on that encourages women and nonbinary writers to send work to literary journals. She teaches at Santa Monica College and lives in Los Angeles. Her website is

Camille Guthrie is the author of three books of poetry and teaches at Bennington College.

Meron Hadero was born in Ethiopia and came to the U.S. as a refugee in her childhood via East then West Germany. Her short stories appear in or are forthcomin­g from Best American Short Stories, Selected Shorts on NPR/PRI, Mcsweeney’s Quarterly Concern, Zyzzyva, The Missouri Review, Boulevard, Indiana Review, and others. Her writing also appears in The New York Times Book Review, Off Assignment, and The Displaced: Refugee Writers on Refugee Lives, edited by Viet Thanh Nguyen. She holds an MFA in creative writing from the Helen Zell Writers’ Program at the University of Michigan, a JD from Yale Law School (Washington State Bar), and a BA from Princeton in history.

David Hamilton still likes to keep an eye on and learn from The Iowa Review.

Doug Henderson received his MFA from the University of San Francisco and lives in the Castro District with his husband and daughter. He is a former ESL instructor and spent three years in Tokyo. He reads a lot of manga.

Sandra K. Hong’s work has received an honorable mention in Glimmer Train’s 2018 Short Story Award for New Writers and the Himan Brown Award. She is a graduate of Brooklyn College’s MFA program in fiction. She lives in Brooklyn, New York, and is working on a collection of linked short stories.

Kirsten Ihns is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and is currently a PHD student and Neubauer Presidenti­al Fellow in English Literature

at the University of Chicago, where she studies texts that seem to want to be images, and works on the poetry staff of the Chicago Review. Her poems have appeared or are forthcomin­g in Bennington Review, Black Warrior Review, Yalobusha Review, inter|rupture, BOAAT, and elsewhere. She is from Atlanta, Georgia.

Naima Karczmar lives and writes in Portland, Oregon, where she is also a recent graduate and current receptioni­st. Her work has appeared in Gramma Poetry and other people’s living rooms.

Kai Maristed is a writer, translator, and playwright living in the USA and France. Her four books include Broken Ground: A Berlin novel and the story collection Belong to Me, starred by Publishers Weekly. Stories and essays have appeared in Kenyon Review, Zoetrope, The American Scholar, Southwest Review, Storyquart­erly, Agni, Michigan Quarterly, and elsewhere.

Shaina Monet is the winner of the 2017 Vassar Miller Poetry Award. A New Orleans native, she currently serves as a poetry editor at Bayou Magazine. Her work has appeared in Crazyhorse, Unlikely Stories, Sundog Lit, and Yemassee Journal. Find more about this poet at shainamone­

Julia Anna Morrison lives in Iowa City, where she coedits Two Peach and teaches at the University of Iowa. Her work is forthcomin­g from The Cortland Review. Her website is juliaannam­

Justin Reed’s work has appeared in EPOCH, Consequenc­e, Post Road, and elsewhere. He lives in Cambridge, Massachuse­tts, where he and his wife are teachers.

Jennifer Stock is at work on an essay collection about inherited objects. Her essays have appeared in The Georgia Review, The Normal School, Hotel Amerika, and Salmagundi.

Malcolm Tariq is a Cave Canem Fellow from Savannah, Georgia, and the author of Extended Play (Gertrude Press, 2017). His play, Yesterday: Today, will be developed with the Ethel Woolson Lab (Working Title Playwright­s) in July 2018. Malcolm was a 2015–16 PAGE Fellow (Imagining America) and a 2016–17 playwritin­g apprentice at Horizon Theatre Company. His poetry has appeared in CURA: A Literary Magazine of Art and Action, Vinyl, HEART Online, Nepantla, Winter Tangerine, Tinderbox, and Blueshift Journal. A graduate of Emory University, Malcolm is completing a PHD in English at the University of Michigan.

Lisa Wells is a poet and nonfiction writer from Portland, Oregon. Her debut collection of poetry, THE FIX, won the 2017 Iowa Poetry Prize. A book of nonfiction, Believers, is forthcomin­g from Farrar, Straus & Giroux in 2019. She lives in Seattle.

Elizabeth Wetmore’s stories have appeared in Epoch, Kenyon Review, Colorado Review, Baltimore Review, and other journals. A graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, she teaches community creative writing workshops in the Chicago area. She is the recipient of fellowship­s from the Illinois Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as residencie­s from Hedgebrook and the Macdowell Colony. Before devoting herself to writing, Elizabeth variously waited tables, tended bar, taught English compositio­n, drove a cab (briefly), and painted silos and cooling towers at the petrochemi­cal plant in her hometown.

Katie Willingham is the author of the collection Unlikely Designs (University of Chicago Press, 2017). She earned her MFA from the Helen Zell Writers’ Program, where she was the recipient of a Hopwood Award and a Nicholas Delbanco Thesis Prize. Her poems have appeared in Bennington Review, Kenyon Review, Poem-a-day, Rhino, Grist, Colorado Review, Indiana Review, and others. Drop her a line through her website katiewilli­

Jeff Yee’s writing and poetry has appeared in or is forthcomin­g from Gulf Coast, The Missouri Review, Passages North, Midwest Quarterly, Field, and elsewhere. He hails from Boston, Massachuse­tts, but has lived in South Korea and South Africa. Currently he resides in Columbia, Missouri, where he teaches creative writing and works toward his PHD in English with a focus in Asian-american literature.

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