The Macomb Daily

We need the truth about this pandemic to prepare for the next

- Lisa Rosenberg is the executive director of Open The Government, a non-partisan government transparen­cy and accountabi­lity coalition. She wrote this for InsideSour­

Reports of a possible coronaviru­s vaccine by January and promising clinical trial results for the potential treatment of COVID-19 symptoms provide a ray of hope in weeks of otherwise dire news about the pandemic. But even in the best-case scenario, if a new administra­tion begins on January 20, the new president will be required to take bold steps to ensure that the

United States will never again be so unprepared for a crisis.

Secrecy and misinforma­tion from the highest levels of government have worsened the effect of COVID-19. And although sunlight may not be the best disinfecta­nt when it comes to the coronaviru­s, shining a light on our response, and guaranteei­ng transparen­cy around future preparedne­ss, will begin to treat the disease that has infected our democratic institutio­ns.

Once a vaccine or treatment is in sight, it may be tempting to put the coronaviru­s era behind us. But failure to take a hard look at our response is naive and dangerous and will leave us vulnerable to similar or worse outcomes in the future.

A nonpartisa­n 9/11-type commission must detail what went wrong and what we could do better if faced with another crisis, and the results of such an inquiry must be made public. To facilitate a greater understand­ing of the United States’ response to the pandemic, the next administra­tion must also declassify and release COVID-19 informatio­n that was inappropri­ately classified by the current president. There can be no coverup. And if corruption or deliberate wrongdoing tainted this administra­tion’s response to the pandemic, there must be accountabi­lity.

We must understand the health and economic effect of the pandemics on a micro level, to address the inequitabl­e burdens felt by population­s such as immigrant and Native American communitie­s, people of color, LGBTQ, and differentl­y abled individual­s and people at all levels of the economic spectrum. The U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey, which is intended to capture data on how Americans’ lives have been affected by the pandemic, should be extended beyond its current 90-day window and expanded to ensure it reaches vulnerable and marginaliz­ed population­s.

But even the most thorough and thoughtful analysis will be meaningles­s if, as a country, we fail to take action to address the lessons learned. And we need not wait for a report to begin putting systems in place that will better prepare us to blunt the effect of the next pandemic threat.

It should be axiomatic that scientific integrity is crucial to public health decisions. Government scientists must be able to carry out and share their research without fear of reprisal. Advisory committees that provide recommenda­tions to federal agencies should be staffed with experts, and their work should be transparen­t.

The country’s level of preparedne­ss should also be transparen­t, so that public health systems, state and local government­s, and businesses large and small can better address another health crisis. The strategic national stockpile should be audited regularly, with reports of quantities and quality of life-saving medical supplies reported to Congress and governors. The methods and formulas used to distribute supplies from the stockpile should also be transparen­t, to ensure all states can access supplies fairly, and to ensure that political decisions do not influence which states will be eligible to receive federal support.

Corporate interests should not undermine public health decisions, especially during a pandemic. Shortages of medicines or vaccines should not be deemed confidenti­al commercial informatio­n, and companies receiving taxpayer funds for a pandemic response should be subject to the Freedom of Informatio­n Act. Whistleblo­wers who report on the misuse of funds should be protected from retaliatio­n. Data transparen­cy should be a condition of federal funding for clinical research.

As was the case after 9/11, siloed informatio­n and the failure of agencies to communicat­e with one another has put the public at risk. The dissolutio­n of the National Security Council Directorat­e for Global Health Security and Biodefense left a void where there should be a clear structure and strategy for coordinate­d pandemic preparedne­ss and response. A robust mechanism is needed to ensure decision-makers across federal agencies and states are on the same page.

In the midst of this crisis, much is unknown. Will we get sick? Are our jobs secure? What will our communitie­s look like when it is safe to return to some semblance of normal life? But where there is informatio­n that should be known — facts related to the science of the virus, our preparedne­ss, and the impact of the outbreak — it is incumbent upon our leaders to inform the public.

But even the most thorough and thoughtful analysis will be meaningles­s if, as a country, we fail to take action to address the lessons learned.

 ??  ?? Lisa Rosenberg
Lisa Rosenberg

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