The Macomb Daily

Kamala Harris’s speech projected toughness. She’ll need lots of it

- Eugene Robinson Columnist Eugene Robinson’s email address is eugenerobi­nson@

As Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic nomination for vice president Wednesday night, the California senator sought to reveal more of her inner life but also to project toughness. She’ll need lots of it.

Joe Biden’s selection of Harris as his running mate marks a trifecta of firsts: No woman of color, Black woman or Asian American woman has ever before been part of a major-party presidenti­al ticket. Being a first is never easy, because it means bearing such a heavy burden of hopes and dreams. In House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s speech to the convention, she said that Harris as vice president would be “a witness to the women of this nation that our voices will be heard.” No pressure or anything.

Being a first means that you are underestim­ated by some and overestima­ted by others. It means that you need to have unshakeabl­e sense of who you are - who you really are - because so many people, both foes and friends, will try to make you into something else.

From all indication­s, Harris knows who she is.

During her acceptance speech, which capped the third night of the virtual Democratic National Convention, she spoke of her late mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris, as having inspired her commitment to public service. Harris said she was “committed to the values [my mother] taught me, to the word that teaches me to walk by faith, and not by sight. And to a vision passed on through generation­s of Americans . . . a vision of our nation as a beloved community where all are welcome, no matter what we look like, where we come from or who we love.”

She excoriated President Donald Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, which “is not an equal opportunit­y offender.

Black, Latino and indigenous people are suffering and dying disproport­ionately. This is not a coincidenc­e. It is the effect of structural racism.”

Harris described Trump as “a president who turns our tragedies into political weapons,” and promised that Biden “will be a president who turns our challenges into purpose.”

The convention address of a vice-presidenti­al candidate is generally seen as a debut, an introducti­on to the nation. Harris is hardly an unknown - viewers could hardly have missed her high-profile interventi­ons at televised congressio­nal hearings or her go-for-the-jugular attacks during the Democratic debates. But those were tightly framed snapshots. Wednesday night was her opportunit­y to paint a more complete self-portrait.

One hopes she knows what is coming.

Trump and his campaign have tried mightily to “define” Biden in a way that works to the president’s advantage, and they have failed. They tried “cognitive decline,” but he looks and sounds perfectly fit. They tried “tool of the far left,” but his convention has gone out of its way to accommodat­e anti-Trump Republican­s. The basic problem is that Biden has spent half a century in the public eye. He is a known quantity, an open book -- and not particular­ly scary. So my guess is that the right-wing smear machine will train much of its fire on Harris. The onslaught began last week with a barrage of “birther” racism, which seemed designed to highlight her genealogy -- the daughter of Indian and Jamaican immigrants -- and cloak her in a nimbus of exotic and dangerous “otherness.” Next will surely come volley after volley of misogyny and smarmy innuendo. Members of her family will be scrutinize­d and slimed. It will get ugly.

“I know something about the slings and arrows she’ll face,” 2016 presidenti­al candidate Hillary Clinton said during her remarks, adding that Harris “can handle them all.”

Harris’s best defense may be a good offense. In the first Democratic debate, she staggered Biden with a blow he never saw coming -- an attack on his opposition, decades ago, to mandatory school busing as a remedy for what was then called “de facto” racial segregatio­n. When Biden was settling on his running mate, some of his advisers reportedly grumbled about the fact that Harris had never apologized to the thenpresum­ptive Democratic nominee for throwing that punch. Biden resolved not to hold any grudges. But I hope he also admired the skill and fearlessne­ss of Harris’s cobra-like strike -and appreciate­d what a deadly weapon she could be when aimed at Trump and Pence. Harris said that young activists are “patriots who remind us that to love our country is to fight for the ideals of our country . . . . Let’s fight with conviction. Let’s fight with hope. Let’s fight with confidence in ourselves, and a commitment to each other.” Emphasis on the word “fight.”

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