The Macomb Daily

Man threatened by wife’s talks with ex

- — Tough Situation in Texas Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. United Feature Syndicate

DEARABBY » My husband, “Daryl,” gets furious every time I talk to my ex, my two oldest kids’ father. The only thing we discuss is my kids’ issues, but Daryl loses it completely. He starts calling me names and says I don’t respect him even though I do. I keep assuring him that there’s nothing inappropri­ate being talked about (he is present during all the conversati­ons since we talk over the phone and live in different states).

I don’t know what to do anymore. My kids are 14- and 13-year-old girls, who are going through all these crazy teenage issues,


Yesterday, I highlighte­d Andrew Chen, the youngest-ever life master in the American Contract Bridge League. Here is another deal featuring a youngster.

The declarer in three no-trump was Vanessa Ng from Canberra, the capital of Australia. She was seven at the time and playing against two seniors, Len Dixon (a well-known journalist) and George Jesner (an eccentric and affable Scot who lived in Canberra and died in 2010). North was George’s wife, Dorothy, who was Ng’s teacher.

After Dixon led the spade queen, Ng noted that she had only six top tricks: two spades, two hearts, one diamond and one club. If the club finesse waswinning, there wouldn’t be any problems, but in case East had the which obviously, as their parents, my ex and I have to sometimes talk about, and it’s not even that many calls. I’m wondering if this is normal because I’ve only been in two relationsh­ips in my life. I’m 33, and I feel like a goofball for not knowing what to do.

DEAR TOUGHSITUA­TION » No, it is not normal. Your husband’s jealousy and insecurity are over the top. You have a responsibi­lity as the mother of two teenage daughters to see them through this time of great transition, club king, declarer ducked the first trick, tookWest’s spade continuati­on and correctly played a lowclub (in caseWest had the singleton king) to dummy’s queen. When the finesse worked, South crossed to the heart king and continued and if you feel their father is in a better position to provide input than your husband, you have a right to seek it.

It’s time to talk about this with a licensed marriage and family therapist because Daryl’s behavior is abusive. If it isn’t stopped, it may escalate. Do it now because if the verbal abuse continues and your daughters witness it, they will grow up thinking it’s normal behavior, and it will negatively affect their relationsh­ips with men later in life. with the club jack: king, ace. Back to hand with a club to her 10, declarer led a diamond to dummy’s queen. Now came a third finesse with a heart to the jack. Ng played a diamond to the ace, hoping the king would drop, and returned to the heart ace, happy to see the 3-3 split. Finally, she cashed the spade king, discarding dummy’s low diamond, overtook her club four with dummy’s seven and claimed the heart nine for plus 490 and a top.

Jesner looked at his partner and with a broad Scottish accent said, “It’s frightenin­g, isn’t it?”

“Don’t worry, George,” Dixon replied, “it will be a long time before Vanessa is eligible for the senior events!”

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Dear Abby

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