The Macomb Daily

Dear Abby Friendship mysterious­ly ends after 30 years

- Dear Abby Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEARABBY » I need help moving past the end of a longtime friendship. I don’t knowwhat happened. My friend, my former college roommate, just drifted away.

After school we continued to be friends— not besties, but we would meet for coffee or dinner a few times a year. Fast-forward 25 years. She called me the day she left her husband, 10 years ago, to tellme the news. I was her emotional lifeline for a few days, and it was intense.

Then, a fewyears ago, I sent a message suggesting we meet soon. She replied that shewas busy but would get back to me about a date, but she never did. I waited six months and again suggested we meet. She replied that she had a conflict but would let me know a date that would work. She didn’t do it. I didn’t reach out again and haven’t heard fromher since.

I’mhaving difficulty dealing with being dropped after a 30-year friendship. I can’t think of anything I did to cause it. What do you think?

— Disappoint­ed in


I find it interestin­g that when this woman was in turmoil, she reached out to you. However, after her marriage and the emotional


dust-up that surrounded it, I suspect she may have decided to close that chapter of her life.

You stated that the two of you didn’t stay in contact other than “a few times a year.” Think back. Did she contact you only when she needed emotional support? If that’s the case, recognize the relationsh­ip for what it was. Now that she is doing well, she may be firmly focused on the present rather than the past, and frankly, although it may sting, I think you should do the same.

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