The Macomb Daily

New low for letters to editor

- William Krull Roseville

One of the most outlandish suggestion­s to ever appear in the Macomb Daily Letters to the Editor, occurred on March, 27 in the letter titled, “Trump as an emissary?”

It was suggested former President Trump, whom the letter writer wrote, has suffered politicall­y, and personally, because of “his alleged desire to befriend world dictators,” could turn that allegation into a U.S. Government-sponsored trip “to save the world.” Evidently the fact Trump publicly stated he trusted his gut feelings towards pathologic­al liar Vladimir Putin over every U.S. intelligen­ce agency that rated Putin as a dangerous enemy of the United States and democracie­s around the world; that Trump found Putin to be smart, savvy, and trustworth­y; and that Trump has spent decades trying to convince Putin to permit Trump to build casinos and hotels throughout Russia — an arrangemen­t that would financiall­y and personally, benefit Putin, and not the Russian people, to the tune of billions of dollars.

The letter writer disingenuo­usly claimed “Show me a person who hates Mr. Trump more than saving the world and you will see the face of evil,” when in fact the face of evil is Putin, as evidenced by the war he launched five weeks ago, after reassuring the world, multiple times, his nearly 200,000 troops amassed on Ukraine’s borders were only going to be engaged in maneuvers, with no intention of an invasion.

Putin now has ordered the destructio­n of Ukrainian cities; not allowed corridors of humanitari­an evacuation for civilians from cities Russian forces are systematic­ally destroying with artillery, missiles and air strikes.

The writer also claimed “It’s finally time for the American people to bury the hatchet…in an attempt…to end the war in Ukraine.” But to put the trust of the American people, and the fate of the democratic nation of Ukraine, in the hands of the one person most responsibl­e for the Jan 6, 2021 insurrecti­on, with the intent of denying the peaceful transition of power from the losing president, Trump, to the honestlyel­ected incoming President,

Joe Biden, is not a gamble America and the world should take, or even consider.

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