The Macomb Daily

Crossword Puzzle 1


:ord Eefore aQd afWer aJaiQsW

5 BiWe

&rediW card opWioQ faPiliarly $EoYe

5 6oXQd WraQsPissi­oQ

5aiQ JXWWer siWe BiJ QaPe iQ crossword PaJa]iQes

:reaN KaYoc oQ &oQcaYe Eelly EXWWoQs

'raPaWic declaraWio­Q dXriQJ aQ XQYeiliQJ 3 &aYe dwelliQJ fisK

´BB WKe froQW door µ

35 /ooN daJJers 3 BlX ray BB

3 2Qe QaPed siQJer wKose foXr sWXdio alEXPs KaYe QXPerical WiWles

*o iQ circles $cWress Podel .aWe

)irsW word for soPe EaEies BB oXW a liYiQJ &KalleQJiQJ yoJa asaQa QaPed for a sKowy Eird 8QcooNed 6Koelace Wips

,Qdy 5 spoQsor 'iJiWal cXrreQcy 3ro aW QeW worNiQJ"

(PpWy Kallway soXQd

(lecWriciWy faciliWy 6ci fi aXWKor 6WepKeQsoQ

5 /iNe WKe KXPaQs iQ ´:$// (µ 'irecWor 3rePiQJer

2scar wiQQer &aWKeriQe BB -oQes

1asK of ´7Ke 5ooNie )edsµ *as iQ aQ eye caWcKiQJ siJQ



*raQd &aQyoQ people

BricN BB pi]]a 3 1oodles ofWeQ serYed alla YodNa 2raQJe Kalf of a ´6esaPe 6WreeWµ dXo

5 BoWWle Wops

´BeQ BBµ /aXdaWory poeP *reaW woe +ospiWal recoYery area for sKorW 6oPe spray caQs +aleaNala 1aWioQal 3arN islaQd

3rofoXQdly Ead 3 :arrior priQcess played Ey /Xcy /awless

6Krill cries

/oQJ Eilled

ParsK Eird

´, see Qow µ 3icQic diQQerware ´*eW 2XWµ acWress $le[aQder

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