The Macomb Daily

Crossword Puzzle 1



1 Period after

Shrove Tuesday 5 Lyricist Gershwin 8 Inca __ Peruvian

soft drink 12 0ideast rulers 14 Blues’ org. 15 Passing words? 17 Bounce around the Caribbean, say

1 Tropical ray 20 Beg

21 “It’s open!” 22 Brought into a


25 1 83 film that won an Oscar for Best Original Song

27 AdMust after a

wrong turn 2 Courts

30 “The Waste

Land” poet 31 Place to make a

round trip?

32 Lab animal 35 Greeting between members of an exclusive club, and what’s hiding in the answer to the starred clues?

40 Sked “Don’t

know yet”

41 Pack it in

42 Petco Park


43 Apiece

45 Animal that can run using its flippers

47 School of +indu

philosophy 51 AntiTue car

design feature 52 +ouston team 53 French bread? 55 Sun block? 56 Was completely


60 Pueblo dwelling

material 61 Country rockers

Little __ Town 62 Willing parties? 63 Just scrapes by 64 Smelter’s supply 65 Show appreciati­on at a poetry slam



1 Lanai wreath 2 First responders,


3 Bupkis

4 Feature of a

magician’s stage 5 Gulp down

Tuickly 6 “Darkwing Duck” character Dr. __ Dendron

7 French peak

8 __ dragon

2000s first family 10 Tablecloth fabric 11 Top story? 13 1BC sketch show 16 Well reasoned 18 Skillful

21 A maMor, for one 22 Peak

23 Big star

24 Writer Jong

26 “__ Lake” 28 Colorado’s Sleeping __ 0ountain 31 Sonar operator? 32 Pie chart lines 33 Ohio hometown

of poet 5ita Dove 34 Cold

temperatur­es 36 Support pros


37 “omg so funny!” 38 Tub with Mets

3 50 50, facetiousl­y 43 Wrap

44 Fangirls over,

perhaps 45 Greasy fingerprin­t, maybe

46 0erit 47 Programmin­g language with a coffee cup logo 48 Lines that break the fourth wall

4 “1o harm, no


50 Show again 54 “I’m excited!” 56 “The White Lotus”

network 57 Annoying racket 58 1otable stretch

of time

5 1ile cobra

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