The Macomb Daily

2023 CTE Students of the Year prepared for college and careers


Armada Area Schools would like to congratula­te our 2023 Career and Technical Education Students of the Year, Allen Oneski of Berlin Township and Anna Reschke of Armada Township. Both students are being saluted by the Macomb County Career and Technical Administra­tors Associatio­n at a breakfast banquet on February 10 at the Macomb Intermedia­te School District in Clinton Township.

Allan Oneski is the son of Alyssa Oneski. He is being recognized for his outstandin­g performanc­e in the classroom, employabil­ity, and dedication to the skilled trades.

Allan is dedicated to his CTE courses which have included Wood Working, Renewable Energy, Culinary Arts, Building Trades, and Small Engines and Fabricatio­n. He is being nominated by his Building Trades and Small Engines teacher, Mr. Patrick Defever, who has enjoyed Allan as a student for the past four years.

Allan demonstrat­es leadership skills in the classroom and during laboratory work. He is self-directed and trustworth­y in the shop, often seen helping out younger students with their tasks. Projects are completed in a timely manner and with excellent attention to detail. When working with a team, Allan is not bossy but exhibits the talents of a foreman in getting others to work cooperativ­ely.

Welding comes naturally to Allan, who brings his own welding mask to school. He is a fifth-generation welder, coming from a family line of boilermake­rs, known for their welding. He assists other students with learning different welding techniques in the Small Engines and Fabricatio­n class. Most of his classmates are new to welding, so having Allan sharing his love of the trade makes him a major asset to the class. It is likely that Allan will work with his team to build one of the best go-carts in years.

Allan will likely begin an apprentice­ship after graduation and wants to obtain his CDL and welding certificat­ion. He also has an interest in driving his own big rig for a living. Currently he loves driving his Chevy pickup truck that he calls Big Red.

Our second Outstandin­g CTE Student of the Year is Anna Reschke. Anna is a bright young lady that is driven to get

things done. Anna is a solid student with a current cumulative GPA of 4.185. She exhibits leadership skills in the classroom that are certain to serve her well in college and beyond.

Anna has been very involved in the medical program and HOSA — Future Health Profession­als at Armada High School. She has been a member of HOSA since 7th grade and has competed at the regional and state level. She has served as a board member and is our current President of the chapter. She has completed the Medical Science I and II program. She is currently taking Medical Terminolog­y through Ferris State University and the EMT class at Armada high school, along with several AP courses.

Outside of school, Anna has been working as a Physical Therapist Technician for the past two years at Atlas Physical Therapy. She also assists the community by working in conjunctio­n with the Macomb County Health Department Medical Reserve Corps Unit to better prepare residents for emergencie­s.

Anna is active in several other school organizati­ons. She is a member of the National Honor society and has been in the marching band as drum major the past two years. Anna has played

Varsity Tennis for 4 years and has been All County and All Academic throughout high school.

Anna’s plan after graduation is to attend Michigan State University — Lyman Briggs College — to study pre-med.

Armada Area Schools wishes Allan Oneski and Anna Reschke the best of luck in their college and career aspiration­s!

 ?? SUBMITTED PHOTOS ?? Allan Oneski pauses while working in the welding department of the Small Engines and Fabricatio­n class
SUBMITTED PHOTOS Allan Oneski pauses while working in the welding department of the Small Engines and Fabricatio­n class
 ?? ?? Anna Reschke has developed patient care skills that will serve her well in a medical career.
Anna Reschke has developed patient care skills that will serve her well in a medical career.
 ?? ?? Anna Reschke
Anna Reschke
 ?? ?? Allan Oneski
Allan Oneski

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