The Maui News - Weekender

White House slams Voice of America, VOA fights back White House points to hopeful signs as deaths keep rising


WASHINGTON — The White House on Friday launched an unusual attack on the congressio­nally funded Voice of America, the U.S. broadcaste­r that for decades has provided independen­t news reporting around the world.

In a broadside directed against VOA’s coverage of the pandemic and China on Friday, an official White House publicatio­n accused it of using taxpayer money “to speak for authoritar­ian regimes” because it covered the lifting of the lockdown in the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the new coronaviru­s first emerged. VOA promptly fired back, defending its coverage.

“Voice of America spends your money to speak for authoritar­ian regimes,” the White House said in its “1600 Daily” email summary of news and events. It said VOA’s roughly $200 million annual budget should be spent on its mission to “tell America’s story” and “present the policies of the United States clearly and effectivel­y” to global audiences.

But, citing a VOA report from earlier this week on the lifting of travel restrictio­ns and easing of the lockdown in Wuhan, the White House said that “VOA too often speaks for America’s adversarie­s — not its citizens.” It noted that VOA had also recently pointed out comments by Iran’s foreign minister critical of the U.S.

Friday’s attack followed another barb directed at VOA on Thursday by White House social media director Dan Scavino, who branded VOA a “disgrace” in a tweet.

VOA fired back at both attacks, responding to Scavino on Twitter and defending its coverage as unbiased. It noted that it is required by law to present all sides of an issue.

“One of the big difference­s between publicly-funded independen­t media, like the Voice of America, and state-controlled media is that we are free to show all sides of an issue and are actually mandated to do so by law as stated in the VOA Charter,” director Amanda Bennett said in a lengthy statement that included links to numerous VOA stories highlighti­ng shortcomin­gs in China’s response to the virus.

Bennett noted that VOA, along with several other U.S. news outlets, has been effectivel­y barred from working in China but that it continues to report and broadcast news from inside the country. VOA is run by the U.S. Agency for Global Media, which also oversees other government­funded broadcaste­rs like Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and Radio Free Asia.

WASHINGTON (AP) — At the end of a week officials had warned would be this generation’s Pearl Harbor, White House officials pointed to hopeful signs Friday that the spread of the coronaviru­s could be slowing, even as President Donald Trump insisted he would not move to reopen the country until it is safe.

At the same time, Trump said he would be announcing the launch of what he dubbed the “Opening our Country” task force next Tuesday to work toward that goal.

“I want to get it open as soon as possible,” he said at a Good Friday briefing, while adding: “The facts are going to determine what I do.”

With the economy reeling and job losses soaring, Trump has been itching to reopen the country, drawing alarm from health experts who warn that doing so too quickly could spark a deadly resurgence that could undermine current distancing efforts.

But Trump said he would continue to listen to health experts like Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx as he considers what he described as the “biggest decision I’ve ever had to make.”

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