The Maui News - Weekender

Raul Castro resigns as Communist chief


HAVANA — Raul Castro said Friday he is stepping down as head of Cuba’s Communist Party, ending an era of formal leadership that began with his brother Fidel and country’s 1959 revolution.

The 89-year-old Castro made the announceme­nt at the opening of the eighth congress of the ruling party, the only one allowed on the island.

Castro didn’t say who he would endorse as his successor as first secretary of the Communist Party. But he previously indicated he favors yielding control to 60-year-old Miguel Diaz-Canel, who succeeded him as president in 2018 and is the standard bearer of a younger generation of loyalists who have been pushing an economic opening without touching Cuba’s one-party system. agreed to cooperate with investigat­ors in hopes of getting a lighter sentence, and the Justice Department will consider putting Schaffer in the federal witness security program.

This signals that federal prosecutor­s see him as a valuable cooperator as they continue to investigat­e extremists involved in the insurrecti­on on Jan. 6 as Congress was meeting to certify President Joe Biden’s electoral win.

Schaffer, a supporter of former President Donald Trump, was accused of storming the Capitol and spraying police officers with bear spray. He pleaded guilty in a deal with prosecutor­s in federal court in Washington to two counts: obstructio­n of an official proceeding, and entering and remaining in a restricted building with a dangerous or deadly weapon. also can now apply for federal grants without getting approval from a special ethics panel for any such work.

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