The Maui News - Weekender

US panel backs COVID-19 boosters only for seniors and those of high-risk


WASHINGTON — Dealing the White House a stinging setback, a government advisory panel overwhelmi­ngly rejected a plan Friday to give Pfizer COVID-19 booster shots across the board, and instead endorsed the extra vaccine dose only for those who are 65 or older or run a high risk of severe disease.

The twin votes represente­d a heavy blow to the Biden administra­tion’s sweeping effort, announced a month ago, to shore up nearly all Americans’ protection amid the spread of the highly contagious delta variant.

The nonbinding recommenda­tion — from an influentia­l committee of outside experts who advise the Food and Drug Administra­tion — is not the last word. The FDA will consider the group’s advice and make its own decision, probably within days. And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is set to weigh in next week.

In a surprising turn, the advisory panel rejected, 16-2, boosters for almost everyone.

Members cited a lack of safety data on extra doses and also raised doubts about the value of mass boosters, rather than ones targeted to specific groups.

Then, in an 18-0 vote, it endorsed extra shots for people 65 and older and those at risk of serious disease. Panel members also agreed that health workers and others who run a high risk of being exposed to the virus on the job should get boosters, too.

That would help salvage part of the White House’s campaign but would still be a huge step back from the far-reaching proposal to offer third shots of both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines to Americans eight months after they get their second dose.

The White House sought to frame the action as progress.

“Today was an important step forward in providing better protection to Americans from COVID-19,” said White House spokesman Kevin Munoz. “We stand ready to provide booster shots to eligible Americans once the process concludes at the end of next week.”

The CDC has said it is considerin­g boosters for older people, nursing home residents and front-line health care workers, rather than all adults.

The FDA and CDC will most likely decide at some later point whether people who received the Moderna or Johnson & Johnson shots should get boosters.

During several hours of vigorous debate Friday, members of the panel questioned the value of offering boosters to almost everybody 16 and over.

“I don’t think a booster dose is going to significan­tly contribute to controllin­g the pandemic,” said Dr. Cody Meissner of Tufts University. “And I think it’s important that the main message we transmit is that we’ve got to get everyone two doses.”

 ?? AP file photo ?? A health worker administer­s a dose of a Pfizer COVID19 vaccine during a vaccinatio­n clinic at the Reading Area Community College in Reading, Pa. on Tuesday. An influentia­l federal advisory panel overwhelmi­ngly rejected a plan Friday, to offer Pfizer booster shots against COVID-19 to most Americans, dealing a heavy blow to the Biden administra­tion’s effort to shore up people’s protection amid the highly contagious delta variant.
AP file photo A health worker administer­s a dose of a Pfizer COVID19 vaccine during a vaccinatio­n clinic at the Reading Area Community College in Reading, Pa. on Tuesday. An influentia­l federal advisory panel overwhelmi­ngly rejected a plan Friday, to offer Pfizer booster shots against COVID-19 to most Americans, dealing a heavy blow to the Biden administra­tion’s effort to shore up people’s protection amid the highly contagious delta variant.

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