The Maui News

Profession­als are needed

- Editorials reflect the opinion of the publisher.

On Monday, several residents testified before the County Council’s Policy, Economic Developmen­t and Agricultur­e Committee in support of a charter amendment that would provide for a strong, profession­al managing director.

During the 2016 election cycle, attempts were made to change Maui’s government to a council-manager model. Resistance to such a change was based on the traditiona­l role of a mayor in county government, the feeling that it would give the legislativ­e branch (the council) too much power, and that it would leave the managing director with nine bosses.

A revised proposal would retain the mayor’s position but make a strong managing director the chief operating officer of the county with the power to hire and fire department directors.

The goal of such a change would be to bring profession­al managers to the top of the government and each department. Currently, department directors are often political appointees by the mayor and the managing director is basically just an aide to the mayor.

As Maui County continues its rapid growth, it is more important than ever that profession­als be hired, and retained, to run county department­s. We will soon have billion-dollar a year county budgets, and the demands of a population approachin­g 200,000 are much different today than when the charter was adopted 50 years ago.

It is important to remember that the political skills required to be elected mayor probably do not translate into the skills needed to administer billion-dollar budgets. And our county department­s need the continuity and expertise that profession­als can bring to them.

We urge the Policy, Economic Developmen­t and Agricultur­e Committee and the council as a whole to study and then move the proposal forward — and then get it on the ballot as a charter amendment. The dayto-day workings of our growing county government need to be performed by profession­als — not political appointees.

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