The Maui News

Trump targets legal, illegal immigratio­n in latest push


WASHINGTON — Top administra­tion officials have been discussing ways to increase pressure on countries with high numbers of citizens who overstay shortterm visas, as part of President Donald Trump’s growing focus on immigratio­n heading into his re-election campaign.

The administra­tion could introduce new travel restrictio­ns on nationals from those countries, according to two people familiar with the plans.

The idea, which was first reported by The Wall Street Journal, is just one of many under discussion by an administra­tion increasing­ly desperate to satisfy a president who has been angry about the influx of migrants at the border as he tries to make good on his 2016 campaign promises and energize his base going into 2020.

The ideas have ranged from the extreme — including Trump’s threat to shut down the southern border and considerat­ion of again separating children from parents — to more subtle tweaks to the legal immigratio­n system, including efforts to clamp down on visa overstays, which, according to the nonpartisa­n Center for Migration Studies, exceed illegal border crossings.

Plans are also in the works to have border patrol agents conduct initial interviews to determine whether migrants have a “credible fear” of returning to their homelands. Border patrol agents are the first officials who come into contact with migrants, and the thinking is that they’ll be less sympatheti­c than asylum officers.

And officials have been considerin­g raising asylum standards and changing the court system so that the last people in are the first to have their cases adjudicate­d. Some of the ideas have been proposed, rejected and then proposed again.

The administra­tion has also been weighing targeting the remittance payments sent home by people living in the country illegally. And White House aide Stephen Miller in particular has been pushing Homeland Security officials to move forward with plans to punish immigrants in the country legally for using public benefits, such as food stamps.

At the same time, Trump suggested Monday that his threat to send migrants to so-called sanctuary cities in an apparent effort to exact revenge on Democratic foes is taking effect, even though it remains unclear whether such a plan is feasible.

“Those Illegal Immigrants who can no longer be legally held (Congress must fix the laws and loopholes) will be, subject to Homeland Security, given to Sanctuary Cities and States!” Trump tweeted just days after aides insisted the plan had been shelved.

Neither the White House nor the Department of Homeland Security responded to requests for comment on what, if anything, had changed Monday. And it’s unclear whether Homeland Security has taken any steps to implement the contentiou­s plan. Lawyers there had previously told the White House that the idea was unfeasible and would be a misuse of U.S. Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t funds.

ICE is already strapped for cash and resources, and some believe such a plan would actually end up doing the migrants a favor by placing them in locations that make it easier to for them to put down roots and stay in the country. Trump has recently gutted DHS’s leadership amid frustratio­ns over agency pushback against the White House on immigratio­n matters.

Trump continued to rail about the situation at the border during an appearance in Minnesota on Monday and made the case that the issue could be a winning one for Republican­s in 2020, telling the crowd that the GOP could “retake the House” over this issue. Many moderate Republican­s urged Trump to avoid harsh immigratio­n talk in the lead-up to the 2018 midterms, warning that it could hurt the party’s chances, especially in the suburbs. The Republican­s lost the House.

U.S. officials say a flood of migrant families, largely from Central America, is overwhelmi­ng the southweste­rn border. The U.S. Border Patrol said the 53,000 families apprehende­d in March set a record, though Democrats say the administra­tion is worsening the problem by aggressive­ly detaining people caught entering illegally and limiting the number of applicants for refugee status who are processed.

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