The Maui News



DEAR READERS: Today’s Sound Off is about people and their driving habits.

— Heloise “DEAR HELOISE: Driving a vehicle can become so familiar that some people naturally get a little careless about using their turn signals, coming to a complete stop at stop signs and tailgating other drivers. But those pale when compared with cellphones: texting and answering calls. A couple of years ago, on graduation night from high school, five young girls were killed when the driver was texting behind the wheel. Five young lives gone in only a few seconds; five families who had to bury otherwise healthy, young daughters. If you are driving, Don’t answer your phone and don’t text! Whatever the phone call or text is about, it can wait until you’ve stopped driving.”

— Joanie in California. DEAR READERS: Here are some new uses for transparen­t tape:

≤ Repair hems when the thread has been pulled out.

≤ Cover a label on a package to keep it from being ripped off.

≤ When on a trip, attach a note on a mirror to tell your travel mate where you are.

≤ Tape prices on items at a garage sale.

— Heloise DEAR HELOISE: My sister often sends me beautifull­y scented soaps for gift-giving occasions. I always save the wrapper and put it inside my shoes or in a drawer. I take it out when I wear the shoes. These wrappers work as a free air freshener!

— Joan, via email DEAR HELOISE: I wanted to store some of my dad’s books for him, but I didn’t want that “musty, old” smell that books can get. So, I used a large plastic bin and placed the books inside. Then I took an old sock, put some activated charcoal inside it and tied up the open end. I put the sock with charcoal inside the plastic bin with the books. A year later, the books were still as fresh as the day they were bought.

— Lucy L., Oakdale, Minn. DEAR HELOISE: I have tried vinegar, and it works wonderfull­y, besides being inexpensiv­e and versatile. For window cleaning, I prefer to use a squeegee versus paper towels or cloths.

A clean towel is necessary to wipe the bottom edge. To avoid the frustratio­n of seeing streaks, I use up-anddown strokes (vertical) on one side and side-to-side strokes (horizontal) on the opposite side. This method eliminates the guesswork of going inside or outside if you see streaks.

— Rich H., via email DEAR HELOISE: I scrub out my sink with a used dryer sheet. It has a nubbly texture, which cleans things perfectly. I buff and dry with a paper towel.

— David R. in Oregon SEND A MONEY-SAVING or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 782795000, or you can fax it to 1-210HELOISE or email it to Heloise@ I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column. Copyright 2019

King Features Syndicate Inc.

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