The Maui News

Judge pulls man’s drivers license for 5-year time period


Rawson repeatedly caught behind the wheel without one

Staff Writer

WAILUKU — A judge recommende­d a man buy stock in a ride-sharing company when his driver’s license was revoked for five years Friday following multiple conviction­s for driving without a license.

Randy Rawson, 53, was warned that he would face more incarcerat­ion if he is again caught driving without a license.

“With your record, you should be going to jail for the full maximum amount,” 2nd Circuit Judge Rhonda Loo said in sentencing Rawson.

She noted he has eight prior conviction­s for driving without a license or driving while his license was suspended or revoked for DUI in the past few years.

In his latest cases, Rawson had pleaded no contest to two counts of driving without a license, with other charges dismissed in exchange for his pleas.

One arrest occurred July 4 when he was pulled over at a roadblock.

Six days later, on July 10, he was caught driving the same vehicle that had an expired safety sticker.

“I don’t know why you keep on driving,” Judge Loo told Rawson.

Deputy Public Defender Zach Raidmae said Rawson was driving sober when he was arrested, although he was driving an illegal car.

Before the charges were dismissed as part of a plea agreement, Rawson was facing at least one year in jail for driving while his license was suspended or revoked for DUI as a third offense, Raidmae said.

“I’m not driving anymore,” Rawson said.

He said a friend had driven him to court Friday and he didn’t have access to any vehicles.

“I’ll have to take the bus or whatever,” he said. “That’s fine with me.”

Deputy Prosecutor Jeffery Temas said Rawson’s license had been suspended a number of times.

“I don’t know if he’ll ever be able to get a license with all the baggage he has, but maybe one day,” Temas said.

In deciding not to place Rawson on probation, Judge Loo said the probation department didn’t want to supervise Rawson, who is on felony probation for unauthoriz­ed control of a propelled vehicle in a 2017 case.

“I think you’re going to drive again,” she told Rawson. “I hope not. If you do drive, you’re just going to go to prison for the maximum.”

With his license revoked for five years, “you should buy stock in Uber or Lyft,” Loo told Rawson.

He was given credit for more than three months he had spent in jail.

Lila Fujimoto can be reached at

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