The Maui News



DEAR READERS: School time is lice time. Lice are spread with headto-head contact. A louse is about a third the size of a sesame seed; its eggs (nits) are seethrough and attached to the hair shaft.

Check your kids once per week using an extremely fine-toothed comb and a magnifying glass. If you find lice, either boil the combs for three minutes to clean them or freeze them overnight. Then you can try over-thecounter treatments, but you won’t get far without removing the eggs. It’s best to ask your pediatrici­an for help with lice treatment.

Lice can cause an itchy rash, but ultimately, they don’t carry disease and can’t survive off the head, unlike a bedbug.

— Heloise P.S. Just because a child has lice, that doesn’t mean she or he is dirty or neglected at home.

DEAR HELOISE: Easy solution for keeping stuffed peppers upright: Cut them in half, top to bottom. They lay flat in a pan (and you have twice as many servings). Smaller servings are good with children at the table. I read your column in the Dayton (Ohio) Daily News.

— Joyce W., via email

DEAR HELOISE: I cringe almost every time we eat out. Cleanup people at many restaurant­s use one towel to wipe tables and seats. How can you possibly think that is sanitary?

Nothing is perfect, but at least designate one color towel strictly for tables, and another color just for seats. This would help limit germs to some degree. It’s difficult to imagine that owners find this acceptable for patrons.

I even saw an instance where a dish bin was placed on the floor, then brought onto the tabletop after it was wiped!

— Florida Filly, via email DEAR HELOISE: I have a few items that use hook and loop closures. Over time, the closures have become less aggressive. Before I replace the items, is there a way to wake up the “sleeping” closures?

— Lynn S., Penn Yan, N.Y. LYNN, SELF-STICKING fabric tape is great for kids and for people who may have dexterity issues. De-fuzz the hook part by using a stiff toothbrush or nailbrush, or pick out the lint with a crochet hook. Secure the closures when the item’s not in use.

— Heloise DEAR HELOISE: If you are home alone and ever need to call 911 for emergency medical services, if possible, consider opening or at least unlocking your front door. You may become totally incapacita­ted prior to the arrival of help.

Opening the door will save time for them getting to you. It might also save you a door replacemen­t.

— Paul Hill, Torrance, Calif. DEAR HELOISE: Love your column. My favorite bookends consist of attractive candy jars or small flowerpots filled with all those pennies that never get spent. They never slide!

— Lynn in Mission Hills, Calif.

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