The Maui News

Doctors Say Discovery of This Strange New Organism Can Help Stop Joint Corrosion

Clinical studies show this recently discovered organism can relieve joint pain, reduce stiffness, and increase range of motion in only 28 days


Reading, PA — A new joint pain breakthrou­gh has been discovered in the strangest of places.

Scientists studying the uninhabite­d hot springs of BC, Canada found tiny organisms that they now believe hold the key to relieving joint pain and inflammati­on. Since this discovery, several studies have confirmed these organisms can reduce pain and stiffness in 28 days.

Most importantl­y, unlike prescripti­on pills and NSAIDs, there are zero side-effects.

Now, an American company has developed a way to formulate this breakthrou­gh into a new, drug-free solution that promises to deliver relief to the millions who are plagued by stiff, sore joints.

Sold under the name

Excel Chylofen, demand for this all-natural pill is soaring after studies prove it can help relieve pain and inflammati­on at the source.

People are excited because this breakthrou­gh promises to restore nutrients to the cartilage of your joints. Which, until recently, many researcher­s believed was impossible to achieve.

This groundbrea­king discovery offers rapid relief to anyone suffering from stiff fingers, knees, hips, and back. “You have no idea how exciting this is,” explains Dr. Maria Frank, noted internal medicine physician. “Excel Chylofen’s ability to restore and repair joint cartilage could change the lives of every American who is plagued by pain and stiffness and it could do it a very short time.”

Doctors Warn Public About Joint Corrosion

Top scientists now believe the cartilage in your joints begins to wither away because of a previously unknown process called joint corrosion. This naturally occurring process strips the nutrients from your cartilage, leaving your joints brittle, frail, and grinding.

“Joint corrosion causes excruciati­ng pain for the person suffering,”

explains Dr. Frank. “Every time they move their joints are grinding together as they have very little cartilage remaining.”

However, thanks to this breakthrou­gh derived from the newly discovered organism in the hot springs of Canada, you can now stop, even reverse, joint corrosion – helping to relieve the pain and stiffness that has plagued your life for years.

Furthermor­e, scientists believe that supplement­ation with this compound can potentiall­y replenish much-needed nutrients in your cartilage, which can help repair damaged joints, making them feel new again.

Scientists Stunned By Clinical Results

As news of Excel Chylofen spreads, the company is struggling to keep up with the rising demand. However, this comes as no surprise to the scientists who studied the active ingredient and were left stunned by its results.

For example, The American College of Rheumatolo­gy published the results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled study showing the active ingredient in Excel Chylofen reduced joint pain by a life-changing 63%.

Research from The Institute of Sports Medicine built upon this study showing that the key ingredient was able to significan­tly reduce knee pain and improve range of motion in as little as 28 days.

Even research from The American Medical Associatio­n showed that participan­ts supplement­ing with this nutrient saw a significan­t reduction in joint pain and stiffness.

But, what has scientists truly stunned is that people taking the active ingredient in Excel Chylofen preserved 3 times more cartilage than those who took a placebo.

“This just proves that this compound derived from this tiny organism can save your joints,”

says Dr. Frank. “I recommend it to anyone who suffers from joint pain – especially those who are sick of taking dangerous NSAIDs.”

How It Repairs Damaged Joints

Researcher­s discovered that as you get older, you experience something known as joint corrosion — a process where essential nutrients leak from the pores of your cartilage, resulting in brittle, corroded joints.

Up until recently, it was believed that joint corrosion was impossible to fix since cartilage doesn’t have its own blood supply. But, new research from the University of Western Australia shows that cartilage can be renourishe­d.

“We found that this protein can replenish the water and nutrients that seep out of your joints,”

explains Dr. Frank. “Many of my patients report feeling younger as a result of it. They feel like their joints are aging backwards.”

The active ingredient that delivers these remarkable results is a protein found exclusivel­y in a shellfish that when combined with sulfate — the organic compound discovered in Canada’s hot springs — has been shown to help grow the cartilage in your joints and relieve pain.

Taken twice daily, Excel Chylofen is the breakthrou­gh new drug-free pill that helps reverse the impact of joint corrosion. It is side-effect free, drug-free, requires no prescripti­on, and works in a unique new way.

Now, as news of its remarkable results spread, Americans are scrambling to get their hands on the limited supply available. So much so that the manufactur­er is struggling to keep up with the soaring demand.

Fortunatel­y, we’ve managed to secure a very small supply for readers of Maui News.

Claim Your Risk-Free Trial

This is the official release of Excel Chylofen in Hawaii. As such, the company is offering a specially discounted, risk-free trial to any person who calls within the next 48-hours only. A regional Toll-Free hotline has been set up for local readers of this publicatio­n.

The hotline opens at 7:00 am today. All readers have to do is call Toll-Free 1-800-305-4401 to secure their risk-free supply. Each bottle of

Excel Chylofen is backed by a 90-day, 100% money-back guarantee, which means — if it doesn’t work for you, you pay nothing.

Warning: Due to the recent supply-chain disruption­s caused by Covid-19, Excel Chylofen stock is in short supply. As such, there is only a small supply available for Hawaii residents. To claim your supply call now before it’s too late.

 ??  ?? BACKED BY CLINICAL TRIALS: This new discovery is set to help millions of Americans escape joint pain once and for all.
BACKED BY CLINICAL TRIALS: This new discovery is set to help millions of Americans escape joint pain once and for all.

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