The Maui News

Oklahoma challengin­g Pentagon’s shot mandate for National Guard


WASHINGTON — A dispute between Oklahoma’s governor and the Pentagon over the COVID-19 vaccine mandate is setting up the first critical test of the military’s authority to require National Guard troops to get the shot and laying the groundwork for potential protests from other states.

Acting on an order from Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt, the state’s adjutant general sent a memo telling troops that they aren’t required to get the shot and “no negative administra­tive or legal action” would be taken against them if they refuse. That order from Brig. Gen. Thomas Mancino came as Stitt asked Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to consider suspending the mandate for members of the Oklahoma Guard.

A senior defense official told reporters Wednesday that a governor does not have the authority to relieve Guard members of their military medical readiness requiremen­ts. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss ongoing legal matters, said Guard members who refuse to comply will risk losing their National Guard jobs.

As of Wednesday, Austin had not formally responded to Stitt, the first and so far only governor to formally protest the Guard requiremen­t. His challenge raises a number of legal questions and highlights the combative political debate over the vaccine.

The White House and health officials have credited mandates with driving up vaccinatio­n rates and reducing deaths from the coronaviru­s pandemic. It’s President Joe Biden’s boldest move yet to persuade reluctant Americans to finally get a vaccine, but is facing legal fights by states, workers and federal employees.

The military is a unique testing ground. The Pentagon considers the vaccine critical to maintainin­g a ready force that can deploy on a moment’s notice to protect the nation, and Guard and Reserve members are part of that force.

Yet the Guard is also a bit different. When Guard troops are on state active duty, such as responding to local events, they report to the governor and are paid by the state. But during their monthly or annual training or when they are responding to larger disasters in the state, they are controlled by the governor but funded by the federal government.

The Guard can also be activated for federal duty, including for overseas deployment­s, under a different status that treats them like active-duty troops, under federal control and funding.

Pentagon officials have repeatedly said that Austin has the authority to set medical readiness requiremen­ts, including vaccines, for the entire force, including the Guard. They argue that Guard members must meet those requiremen­ts to maintain their federal recognitio­n, be available to deploy and be paid for training.

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