The Maui News


- By Holiday Mathis


Mercury trine Neptune highlights the uniquely human tendency to make up stories. We do it for pleasure and out of necessity. We do it because our minds need to bridge the clashing facts with some kind narrative. We do it to make sense of our worlds and to explain ourselves to ourselves. May you enjoy and revel in this storied day.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Life isn’t a popularity contest, but if it were, you would win the day. You have what people are looking for and you’re willing to share it. A burden is eased. You’ll get a surge of self-control.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Like getting hooked on a song, or falling in love, some happenings are too quirky to explain. The explanatio­n is unnecessar­y to those who already know, and ineffectiv­e to those who don’t.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Trust your instincts. It saves time. As you explore what captures your interest and quickly move past what doesn’t, your talent is honed. Your work becomes more infused with what is essentiall­y you.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). A task has fallen through the cracks and the consequenc­es for missing it have been largely unnoticeab­le. This is a gift! Now you can spend your time on things that make a difference.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).

You’ll be in a position of leadership. Communicat­ion errors abound now, so keep your messages simple. The integrity you bring to your endeavors speaks louder than words ever could.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).

Feelings can be bossy. They want to be acted on, so they can come on strong. But feelings can also be fickle, unwise and selfishly motivated. Make your feelings prove their worthiness. Make them earn their way into action.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).

You’ll test the relationsh­ip waters. You’re subtle and cool. You suggest things without directly stating them. Your implicatio­ns get picked up by the socially savvy and missed sometimes too.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You’re too impatient to be slow and steady today. Besides, you feel like you’ve already taken that route and are ready for something more exciting. Take off running and you’ll get your wish.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22Dec. 21). The difference between the extraordin­ary and the ordinary is the “extra.” It’s why you do more than what’s expected of you until doing more is the new normal.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19). Relationsh­ips should be give-and-take. If you never seem to be on the receiving end, you have to wonder if you’re choosing people who are a good fit. Dedicate your energy where it will be appreciate­d.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). “Beauty rest” is real in the sense that the more energy you have, the more attractive you are. You’ll make adjustment­s to improve and protect your most valuable healing time — the time between sheets.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). As you decide how to engage with the world, not engaging is also a solid option.

An unstimulat­ing and distractio­n-free environmen­t brings you peace, mental freedom and ultimately more creativity on the other side.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY. What works on a small scale will make you money on a large scale. Funding is less important than a good plan. You’ll get help bringing things to the next level. Relationsh­ips contribute to your creativity. What used to baffle you will finally make sense and the clarity allows you to build something beautiful. Libra and Capricorn adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 1, 50, 32, 17 and 28.

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