The Maui News

Eccentric art lines Buenos Aires city


BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Why build a rooftop water tank in the shape of a Teletubby? Or go to the effort of installing a replica of the Eiffel Tower atop a semi-abandoned building?

It’s often difficult to explain the proliferat­ion of unusual artwork dotting the vast urban belt of some 11 million people outside Argentina’s capital of Buenos Aires.

The creators are usually constructi­on workers or shop owners, although some artists are seeking to leave their signature in their neighborho­od.

Pedro Flores defines the outskirts of Buenos Aires as a “post-apocalypti­c paradise” close to the capital’s center. He and two friends run an Instagram account, “The Walking Conurban,” a play on the words “conurbano bonaerense,” as the roughly 40 municipali­ties are known in Spanish.

 ?? AP photo ?? A replica of a leaning Tower of Pisa constructe­d by artist and architect Rubén Díaz, adorns a private garden in Ituzaingo, Argentina, Oct. 15. Replicas of several European masterwork­s in the municipali­ty were carried out by Díaz, who is considered a “generator of fantasies.” Díaz’s goal is in part to let his neighbors “travel” to places they would normally never see.
AP photo A replica of a leaning Tower of Pisa constructe­d by artist and architect Rubén Díaz, adorns a private garden in Ituzaingo, Argentina, Oct. 15. Replicas of several European masterwork­s in the municipali­ty were carried out by Díaz, who is considered a “generator of fantasies.” Díaz’s goal is in part to let his neighbors “travel” to places they would normally never see.

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