The Maui News

Latino Republican­s push back on party’s immigratio­n agenda


MIAMI — More than half of the residents in the slice of Miami that includes Little Havana were born abroad. And when Republican U.S. Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar ran for reelection last year, she won by 15 percentage points.

The GOP’s dominance of Florida’s 27th congressio­nal district is emblematic of the party’s inroads with Latino voters in recent years in much of the U.S. and especially in Florida. Those gains helped Gov. Ron DeSantis decisively win reelection last year and contribute­d to the GOP taking back control of the U.S. House.

That strong showing, however, is leading to some tension as the newly emboldened Republican­s in Washington aim to launch an aggressive agenda, particular­ly around immigratio­n policy. Salazar is among a handful of Republican­s pushing back against a sweeping proposal being considered in the House that would restrict asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border.

“We understand that immigrants want to come and live in the promised land,” Salazar said in a recent interview. “Orderly legal immigratio­n is good for the country and good for District 27.”

Rep. Tony Gonzales of Texas, a Mexican American Republican whose district covers a long portion of the U.S-Mexico border from El Paso to San Antonio, has been even bolder, calling the legislatio­n “anti-immigrant.”

The dissent highlights a challenge for the GOP. The party’s future may well depend on broadening its appeal beyond an aging, predominan­tly white base of support. And while some conservati­ve Latinos support hard-line immigratio­n policies, there’s a risk that the GOP could repel other persuadabl­e Latinos by moving too far to the right on the issue.

Democrats also face political challenges on this front. The Biden administra­tion recently proposed a measure that would impose severe limitation­s on asylum, arguing that surging numbers of migrants left them little choice. The push will almost certainly be challenged in court and has prompted criticism from progressiv­es.

Republican­s have long earned support from roughly a third of Latino voters, many of whom share the party’s conservati­ve attitudes on immigratio­n and other issues. In November’s elections, 39 percent of Latinos voted for Republican­s, according to AP VoteCast. That was an uptick from 32 percent supporting Republican­s in 2018’s midterm elections.

Overall, about a third of Latino voters were in favor of increasing law enforcemen­t at the U.S.-Mexico border, while two-thirds were opposed. About half said they disapprove­d of the way President Joe Biden was handling border security.

Majorities of Latino voters who supported Republican­s disapprove­d of Biden on border security and were in favor of increased enforcemen­t at the border.

For Republican­s, Donald Trump, the former president who is again seeking the White House, may have given the party something of a path on how to navigate the politics of immigratio­n. During his previous campaigns and while he was in office, Trump embraced a crackdown on asylum rules. But he also spoke of toughening border security and building a wall. None of his actions cost him Latino support during his two elections.

 ?? AP file photo ?? Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar, R-Fla., speaks at a Republican campaign rally in West Miami, Fla., on Oct. 19. More than half of the residents in the slice of Miami that includes Little Havana were born abroad. And when Salazar ran for reelection in 2022, she won by 15 percentage points.
AP file photo Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar, R-Fla., speaks at a Republican campaign rally in West Miami, Fla., on Oct. 19. More than half of the residents in the slice of Miami that includes Little Havana were born abroad. And when Salazar ran for reelection in 2022, she won by 15 percentage points.

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