The Maui News

Debt ceiling: McCarthy wins 1st round, Biden eyes long game


WASHINGTON — Speaker Kevin McCarthy surprised Washington when he showed he could unite the House’s raucous Republican majority to pass a sweeping package to raise the nation’s debt limit by $1.5 trillion in exchange for steep spending reductions, an opening bid awaiting President Joe Biden’s response.

The next moves are more difficult, and politicall­y uncertain.

This week’s stunning turnaround for the battle-hardened Republican speaker is only act one in what is expected to be a long summer battle with Democrats to find agreement to lift the nation’s borrowing capacity and avert a potentiall­y catastroph­ic debt default.

Biden on Thursday had no direct response to McCarthy’s maneuver. The White House has made clear it is not willing to barter with Republican­s over whether or not the nation will pay its bills. Democrats opposed the harsh spending cuts Republican­s proposed, and the president vowed to veto McCarthy’s bill.

“We’re not negotiatin­g on this,” said White House press secretary Karine JeanPierre.

The president has indicated he’s willing to talk budget issues, she said. But he’s not engaging on whether or not the nation will raise the debt limit.

The U.S. is not a “deadbeat nation” and always pays its debt, she said. “House Republican­s are holding our economy hostage and threatenin­g default.”

What has become apparent, though, is that Biden’s refusal to negotiate may not be a tenable position for the White House as the deadline nears for action. While the White House is taking the long view, preparing to slam the Republican­s for what Biden calls “wacko” ideas that will harm Americans, at some point the president, and the Democratic-led Senate, will need to respond to the House.

Economic analysts warn even the political threat of a federal default on the nation’s debt, now at $31 trillion, would send shockwaves through an already jittery economy. With economic growth falling to a sluggish 1 percent annual rate last quarter, according to new data this week, signs point to the potential for a recession ahead.

The Treasury Department continues to pay the nation’s bills, but the money will soon fall short, even though tax returns in April helped replenish the coffers. An analysis from Goldman Sachs puts the deadline for raising the debt limit in late July.

“We’ve lifted the debt limit. We’ve sent it to the Senate. We’ve done our job,” McCarthy said after Wednesday’s vote.

McCarthy said the president “should sit down and negotiate.”

Underestim­ated from the start, McCarthy of California has shown he can muscle legislatio­n to passage using the currency Washington values most — votes — to lay down a policy marker in the debate.

The Republican-passed bill is stacked with party priorities, and imposes broad restrictio­ns on federal government spending that are bound to be unpopular as they chip away at the programs and services Americans rely on in their daily lives. And the bill’s bolstered work requiremen­ts on recipients of food stamps, health care and other government aid are expected to fall harshly on Americans who need aid the most. The demands are likely to be met with protests.

In the Senate, where Democrats have the majority, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer calls the House package a “ransom note forced on us by the hard right.”

Schumer may never even bring the House bill up for a vote in the Senate. Instead, he predicted Americans “will reject steep cuts to education, law enforcemen­t, veterans care and border security” contained in the Republican bill.

Biden and his Democratic allies in Congress want to simply raise the debt limit with no strings attached, a throwback to an earlier era.

But those days may be long passed. Democrats negotiated their own priorities to raise the debt limit during the Trump presidency. And Republican­s showed they were willing to take the country to the brink of a first-ever federal default the last time they confronted a Democratic president, during the tea party era a decade ago.

 ?? AP photo ?? Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., talks to reporters just after the Republican majority in the House narrowly passed a sweeping debt ceiling package as they try to push President Joe Biden into negotiatio­ns on federal spending, at the Capitol in Washington on Wednesday.
AP photo Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., talks to reporters just after the Republican majority in the House narrowly passed a sweeping debt ceiling package as they try to push President Joe Biden into negotiatio­ns on federal spending, at the Capitol in Washington on Wednesday.

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