The Maui News




This may be an old hint, but when I put on a pair of old rubber/latex gloves to do my dishes, I sprinkle talcum or baby powder into the gloves. Instead of struggling to get them off or on, my hands slide effortless­ly into the gloves.

— Betty, Granada Hills, California

DEAR HELOISE: A reader suggested that grandparen­ts practice math skills with their grandkids in the summer. Great idea! Every child should know multiplica­tion at least by the time they enter middle school. During my school days, multiplica­tion was taught in third grade and division in fourth. What is happening to education?

— O.B., Retired Teacher

DEAR HELOISE: Drivers can save 10 percent to 20 percent off their gas bill! The optimal speed for a car’s best gas mileage is 60 mph. For every 5 mph above 60 mph, your vehicle uses a whopping 10 percent more in gasoline. So, if gas costs $3.50 and you are traveling at 70 mph, it is costing you an added 70 cents per gallon, to the tune of $4.20/gallon!

— Dale, Dayton, Ohio

DEAR HELOISE: Toaster tongs have been mentioned recently in your column. Every home should have some. One year, I bought a few, tied a red ribbon on each and hung them on the Christmas tree as a decoration. When I had a party, each guest could take a pair home.

— Carolyn McDonough, via email

DEAR READERS: Summer is officially here, so keep your pets indoors during the heat of the day. Make sure, whether indoors or outdoors, that your pets have lots of cold, clean water.

— Heloise

DEAR READERS: After mopping a no-wax floor, add several capfuls of vinegar to the water to help remove any remaining soap film — and to leave the floor clean and shiny.

Vinegar is an indispensa­ble and safe household product that can be used for cleaning, deodorizin­g and cooking. You can learn more uses for vinegar in my vinegar pamphlet “Fantabulou­s Vinegar Hints and More.” Get a copy by visiting www. or by sending $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (78 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Vinegar, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001.

— Heloise

SEND A MONEY-SAVING or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

DEAR READERS: It’s turtle season! What should you do if you come across a turtle crossing the road? Getting it to safety is important, as is your safety. For a typical smaller turtle, pick it up with one hand on either side, between its front legs and hind legs. Keep it low to the ground; if it drops, it won’t be too far.

Allow the turtle to continue in the same direction it was going; don’t turn it around. Let the turtle complete its route; it has a job to do.

Let it be wild and free. Don’t move it to a different spot, or take it home as a pet. This will disorient the turtle, and it may try to escape, or worse, just quit eating.

— Heloise

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