The Maui News

HinTs from Heloise



My husband and children used to leave me little notes such as: “Please pick up my insulin on your way home tonight,” or “Your mom called and wants to talk to you as soon as possible.” These were not big secrets, but they were still considered private. I found one of my neighbors going through a small stack of those messages one day when she was over to borrow my rug shampoo. I found this intrusion aggravatin­g.

So, I took some chalkboard paint and painted the inside of my utility closet door. We now leave messages on it instead of on Postit notes. At least I have my privacy back!

—Frances H., Peabody,

Massachuse­tts FRANCES, THAT’S A great idea. We’ve all lost a lot of our privacy with the growth of the internet. At least leaving messages where they’re hidden from open view will afford you some measure of privacy.



DEAR HELOISE: When I tried to grate cheese, I always made a mess. Finally I tried freezing the cheddar, and it was much easier to grate it and nearly any kind of chesse after it was frozen. —Lois W., Evansville, Indiana

DEAR HELOISE: Twenty years ago, two men broke into my home at night in an attempt to rob me. After they left the house, I called the police, and one of the policemen gave me a good idea. He told me to always keep my car keys on my nightstand. If I hear a noise, I can always press the alarm button, which will usually scare the intruder enough to leave.

It worked last month when two teenagers broke into my home. I pressed the alarm button, and they ran out. But one boy tripped over a planter and broke his ankle. He was still on the ground crying when the police arrived.

—Janet D., Biloxi, Mississipp­i DEAR HELOISE: I have a long bathroom counter, and it was barely visible with all the clutter on there. I finally decided to clean it up and get organized. I used a large serving tray and put some clear plastic organizati­on containers on the tray to hold my foundation, blush and lipsticks, but I needed something to hold my many makeup brushes.

Searching through the house, I found some beautiful cut-glass cups for old-fashioneds. Since I don’t drink old-fashioneds, I knew these would be perfect to hold my makeup brushes. Now my bathroom counter looks beautiful, and I’m totally organized.

—Courtney J., Ponca City, Oklahoma DEAR HELOISE: I travel about 105 nights a year on average, so I’ve learned a thing or two about packing. If you are packing shampoo, conditione­r, hair spray, or anything that can be sprayed or is liquid, no matter how tight the lid is, always place those items in a large zip-close bag to keep any spillage from ruining your clothing. Always roll up your jeans and T-shirts, and don’t forget to pack slippers to wear around your hotel room.

—Heidi S., Detroit

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