The Maui News

Honduras ex-first lady says presidenti­al bid not meant to protect herself after husband’s conviction


TEGUCIGALP­A, Honduras—Former Honduras first lady Ana García de Hernández said Thursday that her decision to seek the presidency next year is about showing the world the injustice that was done to her recently convicted husband and defending Honduras’ reputation, not an attempt to protect herself from prosecutio­n as some allege.

In an interview with The Associated Press in the same Tegucigalp­a home where police arrested her husband Juan Orlando Hernández in February 2022, on a United States extraditio­n request, she maintained her husband’s innocence and said the U.S. government had stained not only her family, but all Hondurans.

“For me it was painful to see that from another country they judged our nation because they tried an ex-president who was the head of Honduras,” she said. “They accused him of being a drug trafficker and Honduras of being a narco-state, when it is the complete opposite.”

“With the affront they have made to Honduras, I want to raise my voice,” she said, noting that Hondurans should feel indignant. “This (presidenti­al run) is a platform from which I am going to do that.”

García de Hernández said that in conversati­ons with Hernández since his conviction in a Manhattan courtroom last Friday, he told her “this is another test and we are going to continue exhausting appeals; the world saw the injustice that was committed and we have to remain standing.”

Hernández’s arrest came just three weeks after he left office and was followed by his extraditio­n in April 2022. His two-week trial ended last week when he was convicted of charges that he conspired with drug trafficker­s and used Honduras’ military and police to help move tons of cocaine north to the United States.

García de Hernández announced Tuesday in a news conference that she would seek the nomination of the National party, her husband’s party and one of the main opposition parties. Honduras’ national elections are scheduled for Nov. 30, 2025.

She said many within the National party have expressed their support for her bid and that she has received many messages of support from Hondurans across the country. The decision was not taken in haste, she said, but after much considerat­ion.

Some politician­s immediatel­y suggested her bid for the presidency was an attempt to protect herself from prosecutio­n. García de Hernández has not been charged with any crimes.

García de Hernández did not rule out that prosecutor­s could pursue her, but she noted that her name never came up in the U.S. case and she has done nothing wrong, so there would be no basis for a case.

“There could be investigat­ions, I imagine there will be, but here I am,” she said. “I’m not fleeing.”

Hernández’s brother, Juan Antonio “Tony” Hernández was sentenced to life in prison in the United States on drug and weapons charges in March 2021.

U.S. prosecutor­s called Hernández’s presidency “state-sponsored drug traffickin­g,” despite parts of the U.S. government praising Hernández over the years for his cooperatio­n in the fight against drug traffickin­g.

García de Hernández, herself a lawyer, spoke at length about a lack of hard evidence presented by U.S. prosecutor­s, who relied on testimony from drug trafficker­s she said were seeking revenge against her husband.

She noted meetings her husband had with Presidents Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden when he was vice president, as well as meetings he had inside CIA headquarte­rs and with the U.S. Southern Comm and.

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