The Maui News

European Union pushes ahead with plan to buy weapons for Ukraine with frozen Russian assets


BRUSSELS—The European Union is pressing ahead with a plan to use the profits generated from billions of euros of Russian assets frozen in Europe to help provide weapons and other funds for Ukraine, a senior official said Tuesday.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell got a green light for the plan from most of the bloc’s foreign ministers this week, and he hopes that EU leaders will endorse it at a summit in Brussels starting on Thursday. The move comes as Ukraine runs dangerousl­y low on munitions, and U.S. efforts to get new funds for weapons have stalled in Congress.

The 27-nation EU is holding around $217 billion in Russian central bank assets, most of it frozen in Belgium, in retaliatio­n for Moscow’s war against Ukraine. The bloc estimates that the interest on that money could provide around $3.3 billion each year.

“The Russians will not be very happy. The amount of money, 3 billion per year, is not extraordin­ary, but it is not negligible,” Borrell told reporters.

A small group of member countries, notably Hungary, refuse to supply weapons to Ukraine, so these windfall profits would be divided up. Around 90 percent of the money would be put into a special fund that many EU countries already use to get reimbursed for arms and ammunition they send.

The other 10 percent would be put into the EU budget to help bolster Ukraine’s defense industry. Countries that object to sending weapons could then claim that they are not arming the country, Borrell said.

The EU budget can’t be used to buy arms, under

current expert interpreta­tions of the bloc’s treaties, but the special fund—known as the European Peace Facility—runs off-budget and doesn’t have to respect the same legal standards or be approved by the European Parliament. The European Central Bank, or ECB, has warned in the past against seizing Russian assets as this could undermine confidence in the euro currency and EU markets. But Borrell said that no assets would be taken, only the windfall profits they make. He added that the ECB has been consulted on the plan. Some EU leaders, including Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, have said that they want to use the windfall profits to fund Ukraine’s reconstruc­tion, but Borrell said he believes that “the best thing is to avoid that anything is destroyed” in the first place.

 ?? AP photo ?? European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell arrives for a meeting of EU foreign ministers at the European Council building in Brussels, Monday. European Union foreign ministers RQ 0RQGD\ ZLOO GLVFXVV 5XVVLD·V DJJUHVVLRQ DJDLQVW 8NUDLQH Belarus, and the situation in the Middle East.
AP photo European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell arrives for a meeting of EU foreign ministers at the European Council building in Brussels, Monday. European Union foreign ministers RQ 0RQGD\ ZLOO GLVFXVV 5XVVLD·V DJJUHVVLRQ DJDLQVW 8NUDLQH Belarus, and the situation in the Middle East.

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