The Maui News



DEAR HELOISE: Over time, my family and I have collected a number of packets containing ketchup, mustard, mayo and other sauces. They’re all in the refrigerat­or, but some are about 1 or 2 years old. Some don’t have any dates on them at all. I don’t know if these are still good enough to use or if we should through them out. What are your thoughts on this matter?

—Elizabeth A., San Jose, California

ELIZABETH, WHEN IN doubt, throw it out! Maybe it’s time to reevaluate all those condiments and sauces. Some might be in excellent shape, but why take that chance?

If you took them with you on a picnic, let’s say, did you have them out in the sun for a certain length of time? Mayonnaise can be very dangerous if it isn’t kept refrigerat­ed, as well as some salad dressings.

Did you take the unused packets back home? How long were they exposed to heat? And if you don’t know how old the packet is, how can you be certain that it’s safe to use in the first place? Just some food for thought.


DEAR HELOISE: Just a warning to your readers: If you have a throw rug, use carpet tape to tape down the corners of the rug. I kept meaning to get some to secure the corners of a throw rug in the kitchen. Last night, while I was carrying some plates to the sink, I tripped over one corner and fell. I broke several plates, but I twisted my ankle. (And it really hurts!)

I’ve learned my lesson not to take safety for granted. Throw rugs can be dangerous on a slippery floor.

—Karen B., Dime Box, Texas DEAR HELOISE: Since my salt intake needs to be kept as low as possible, I rinse beans in the can to remove the salt before I add them to any recipe. It makes a difference.

—Walter M., Bozeman, Montana DEAR HELOISE: I started saving those plastic card holders that come with flowers arrangemen­ts. After the flowers die, I wash and save them, and I place them in the dishes I bring to potluck dinners. I use an index card and write down what the dish is, along with any ingredient that might affect someone’s allergies. (For example, I made a Thai dish and noted that it required peanuts, which could have affected people with nut allergies.)

I also place them in front of my garden rows to remind myself what I’ve planted and when I planted them.

—Patricia W., Spokane, Washington PATRICIA, I LIKE your idea of reusing arrangemen­t holders for new uses. Too much plastic is being dumped in landfills, and any reuse of a plastic object makes me smile. Thanks for the clever idea!


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