The Maui News

County says second West Maui TDS report shows compliance with environmen­tal regulation­s


KAHULUI—The West Maui Temporary Debris Storage (TDS) site environmen­tal monitoring quarterly report for the second 90-day operationa­l period shows the findings from sampling and monitoring comply with county, state and federal environmen­tal regulation­s, the county said in a press release Friday.

The second Quarterly Report was presented to the community July 17 during the County of Maui Disaster Recovery Community Update Meeting at Lahaina Civic Center. The full report may be found at www.mauirecove­­t.

Highlights of the second report include:

● More than 1,375 residentia­l and commercial properties have been cleared of more than 300,000 tons of ash and debris in Lahaina.

● More than 17,000 truckloads of ash and debris have been taken from Lahaina to the TDS site.

● There have been no exceedance­s of health-based Action Levels in air-quality monitoring.

● There have been no events of any leachate leaving the lined basin, thus no suspected or potential impacts to groundwate­r or nearby waterways.

● All stormwater run-off/runon Best Management Practices (BMPs) are functionin­g and inspected regularly.

● U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) installed two groundwate­r monitoring wells around the TDS site with the results of the first sample taken July 7, 2024. Results of this sample are expected next week and will be available in the site monitoring data that is posted every few weeks. Samples will be collected quarterly in future months.

● USACE will continue the environmen­tal monitoring, and data will be reported the same ways every 90 days for the duration of the right-of-entry (ROE) agreement.

The second report follows the first one, which was released April 10. The third quarterly report will be submitted by Oct. 16, 2024.

On Jan. 21, 2024, the Maui County Council approved Ordinance 5596, also known as Bill 120, which granted USACE and its contractor­s ROE to utilize two parcels located in Olowalu, West Maui, as the Temporary Debris Storage site for ash and debris from the Aug. 8 wildfires in Lahaina.

Bill 120 requires that best efforts be used to protect against the runoff of debris or leachate from the TDS site to the ocean, including through run-on and run-off control, groundwate­r-detection monitoring, air quality monitoring, stormwater-pollution prevention, and maintenanc­e of adequate documentat­ion, record keeping and transparen­t public reporting on these efforts.

The data from this sampling and monitoring is publicly available, consistent with chapter 92F, Hawai‘i Revised Statutes. Find informatio­n at the Maui Recovers Debris Containmen­t page: www.mauirecove­ debris-containmen­t.

 ?? 3KRWR FRXUWHV\ '/15 ÀOH ?? Tova Callender of the West Maui Ridge-to-Reef Initiative helps with water sampling in the ocean off Lahaina on August 30, 2023.
3KRWR FRXUWHV\ '/15 ÀOH Tova Callender of the West Maui Ridge-to-Reef Initiative helps with water sampling in the ocean off Lahaina on August 30, 2023.

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