The Mendocino Beacon

Old Time Notes fromThe Beacon

- By Debbie L. Holmer dholmer@advocate-

130 Years Ago Oct. 25, 1890

• If any of our readers or their friends think that the coast soil is not productive, just step in our office and have a look at a potato grown onWm. Heeser’s ranch this year. The “spud” measures 26 x 12 inches and weighs 3 and a half pounds. If the Supervisor­s could but gaze on this article of food, they probably would not ignore the coast and its enterprise­s as they have heretofore done for the benefit of the valleys.

• Born in Mendocino, Oct. 21, to the wife of Chas. W. Mathews, a son. At Greenwood, Oct. 16, to the wife of J. M. Bowen, a son. At Caspar, Oct. 21, to the wife of MichaelMor­ango, a son.

• L. A. Morgan is moving his household effects into his new mansion on Little Lake Street, which he expected to occupy in a few days.

• At a recentmeet­ing of the San Francisco and North Pacific Railroad Company at San Francisco Tuesday the propositio­n of extending its system the coming winter was postponed until its next meeting, but it is rumored that the line will be extended fromUkiah to Calpella.

105 Years Ago Oct. 23, 1915

• The gasoline schooner Alliance, bound from Vancouver, B.C., to Guaymas, Mexico, struck the reef at Mal Pass near Manchester last Monday morning and eight of the ten persons aboard the boat were drowned. The disaster was due to the dense fog which prevailed and which prevented those navigating the craft from being aware of their whereabout­s. Two of those drowned were women, one the wife of the owner of Alliance and the other a young girl. H. R. Jones, the first mate and Rafael Medina, a servant of the owner, managed to reach shore, thoroughly exhausted after a terrific struggle with the sea, and are now being cared for in Point Arena. So far, but four bodies have been discovered. According to the survivor’s story, the Alliance struck the reef at about 2 o’clock in the morning and almost immediatel­y broke in two. The crew and passengers managed to climb upon the reef, but were shortly washed off by the waves and drowned.

• The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hayter of Albion last Saturday and left twins — a boy and a girl. Mother and children are both getting along nicely.

75 Years Ago Oct. 20, 1945

• Corp. Frank Baroni arrived home this week with an honorable discharge from the Army in his possession. For some time, past Frank has been at the Presidio in San Francisco where he acted as chauffeur to some of the high-ranking officers.

• Sgt. Jack Lemos is home with an honorable discharge from the Army Air Corps and ready to take up life as a civilian once again. On entering this country on the trip from Germany, he docked at Boston. From there he was flown across the country and landed at Camp Beale, where he was given his discharge.

• John Rodgers, Seaman 1- C USNR, son of John Rodgers of Mendocino was in Tokyo Bay on Victory Day when surrender terms were signed aboard the USS Missouri and the first great force of occupation troops went ashore to secure a final peace for the world.

• Joe Fomasi, infantry, U. S. Army, is home on furlough after two years in Italy. He is visiting his brother in Santa Rosa and was here last week visiting friends.

55 Years Ago Oct. 22, 1965

• Charles Herbert Nichols, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James A. Nichols, and brother of the late Edith ( Nichols) Heeser, passed away in San Bernardino Sunday, with burial in that city Tuesday. A native of Mendocino, he passed his early years here, attending Mendocino’s elementary and high schools. Later he took commercial college training in the Bay Area and after that was there engaged in office work. He was united in marriage in this period, and shortly

thereafter, he moved to Los Angeles, where for several years, with a partner, he operated a grocery store in that rapidly growing city. Later, he acquired a 160-acre ranch holding in San Bernardino county, and there built a home which he and his wife occupied principall­y.

• The regular meeting of the Mendocino Study Club was held October 8 at Gallery Fair. President Janice Grant presided at the meeting.

• Art Center Rapport: The workshop this week will be in Serigraphy under the direction of Anne Foote. Winona Tomanoczy will give a short talk regarding her workshops in polyester resin and mosaics. Jack Sears continues to give introducti­on in pottery. The sales gallery sitters this weekend will be Ruth Balyeat, Dena Taft and Helen Florenzen.

30 Years Ago Oct. 18, 1990

• A crew of 20th Century Fox employees started work on Monday in preparatio­n for a movie which has been tentativel­y titled “Dying Young,” starring Julia Roberts and Christophe­r Scott. The movie is slated to be shot starting November 12 at a twostory temporary structure currently under constructi­on next to the Ford House on Main Street. Some scenes will be shot at other locations around town.

• Funeral services were held in Sacramento on Oct. 9 for former Mendocino native, George Piccolotti, age 70 years. He passed away on October 6, 1990. His parents were longtime residents of this area, attending school and graduating from Mendocino High School.

• Music on the Mezzanine will feature art songs and arias on Monday at the Fort Bragg Center for the Arts at Daly’s. The program will be performed by sopranos Clare Barca and Ana Lucas Peters, familiar to coast audiences from their frequent appearance­s with Gloriana Opera Company, the Symphony of the Redwoods, and the Mendocino Music Festival. They will be joined by San Francisco pianist Richard Secrist.

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