The Mendocino Beacon

Art Explorers


Art Explorers presents its 14th Annual November show, Inside / Out, virtually this year at artexplore­ beginning on Nov. 1. The show features work from 36 artists, focused around the things we have been dealing with throughout the pandemic —being inside, longing for what is outside. Finding joy in small places, creating a fantasy world to escape to, missing our friends and favorite things. Artwork will

be for sale online and in our studio—all sales benefit the artist and Art Explorers directly. The Art Explorers studio at 333N. Franklin St., Fort Bragg, will be open Sundays in November from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., with safety protocol of masks and social distancing in place. Visit their

Facebook page or Instagram@artexplore­rsfb for live videos and updates. Art is good for your immune system!

Mendocino Music Festival virtual courses

Mendocino Music Festival offers more silver linings: new virtual courses available from anywhere this Fall. Masterclas­ses, singing basics, sight- singing, a course in German Lieder and more.

For Music Lover virtual classes informatio­n, schedule and tickets, call 707- 937-2044, email info@mendocinom­usic. org or visit mendocinom­

Willits Community Theatre online lineup

Willits Community Theatre will be presenting a selection of its popular shows from the past through an online streaming platform. The streaming lineup is scheduled to run through December, according to Producer Mike A’Dair. Unless otherwise noted, all selections will be available indefinite­ly for streaming. For more informatio­n on the schedule of shows and how to subscribe for viewing, visit wctperform­ingartscen­

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