The Mendocino Beacon

Talk is cheap


EDITOR: Your March 11 editorial cutout blares in bold letters, “The facts about COVID-19 are still polarized for crass political gain by Republican­s…” Typical left-wing blather — long on rhetoric, short on facts. In fact, not one example of “crass political gain” followed. I challenge the publisher, editor and the author of the editorial, Mr. Hollinshea­d, to put their heads together and come up with three examples of Republican crass behavior.

As for crass behavior, in “blue” states run by Democrat administra­tions — New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Illinois and California — we see “COVID restrictio­n” lockdowns that have destroyed local economies, forced tens of thousands of small businesses to close, millions of jobs lost, closed public schools, abuses of basic First Amendment civil rights, etc. In New York and Michigan, thousands of senior citizens in nursing homes died (killed?) by the misguided policies of their Democrat governors. Here in California, thanks to the Executive Orders of our hypocrite governor’s grab for power, churches have not been allowed to meet, most restaurant­s have been closed or limited to “take out” service, and many small businesses permanentl­y shuttered.

Most, if not all, people on the Mendocino Coast know someone who has had their work hours cut, been laid off or lost their job, scraping by on unemployme­nt benefits with support from family and friends. Contrast that with “red” states run by Republican administra­tions where economies are recovering quickly and employment is surging.

Crass Republican political gain? No, just reality in our Democrat Socialist paradise.

— Stan Anderson, Fort Bragg

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