The Mercury News Weekend

Turkey, Russia raise volume on squabble

Putin sees deadlock in the dispute; Erdogan won’t give an apology

- By Suzan Fraser and Vladimir Isachenkov

ANKARA, Turkey — A tug-of-war over a Russian warplane downed by a Turkish fighter jet at the border with Syria escalated Thursday, with Moscow drafting a slew of economic sanctions against Turkey and the Turkish president defiantly declaring that his military will shoot down any new intruder.

The spat reflected a clash of ambitions of two strongman leaders, neither of whom appeared willing to back down and search for a compromise.

Turkey shot down the Russian Su-24 military jet Tuesday, insisting it had violated its airspace despite repeated warnings. The incident marked the first time in half a century that a NATO member shot down a Russian plane, raising the threat of a military confrontat­ion between the alliance and Moscow.

Russian President Vladimir Putin denounced the Turkish action as a “treacherou­s stab in the back,” and insisted that the plane was downed over Syrian territory in violation of internatio­nal law.

“Until that moment, we haven’t heard a clear apology from Turkey’s top political leadership, or an offer to compensate for the damage or a promise to punish the criminals,” he said at the Kremlin while receiving credential­s from several ambassador­s. “It gives an impression that the Turkish leadership is deliberate­ly driving Russian-Turkish relations into a deadlock, and we regret that.”

But Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was in no mood to apologize, and warned that Ankara would act in the same way in the event of another intrusion.

“Faced with the same violation today, Turkey would give the same response,” Erdogan said. “It’s the country that carried out the violation which should question itself and take measures to prevent it from happening again, not the country that was subjected to a violation.”

Erdogan said Turkey had not specifical­ly targeted Russia when it shot down the plane, saying it was “an automatic response” in line with its rules of engagement.

He spoke on a more conciliato­ry note in separate comments on France 24 television. Asked if Turkey would still have targeted the plane if it positively knew it was Russian, he said: “If we had determined it, the warnings would have been different.”

Speaking later in the Kremlin after the talks with French President Francois Hollande, Putin said he was sorry to hear that Erdogan sees no need to apologize.

“For us, Turkey was not just a neighbor, but a friendly state, almost an ally,” he said. “It’s very sad to see all of it being destroyed so thoughtles­sly and brutally.”

Turkey has released audio recordings of what it says are the Turkish military’s repeated warnings to the pilot of a Russian bomber before it was shot down at the border with Syria.

The recordings, made available to The Associated Press on Thursday, indicate the plane was warned several times that it was approachin­g Turkey’s airspace and asked to change course, but there is no indication of a Russian reply.

In the recordings, a voice is heard saying in broken English: “This is Turkish Air Force speaking on guard. You are approachin­g Turkish airspace. Change your heading south immediatel­y.” The voice gets increasing­ly agitated as the warnings appear to go unnoticed.

A Russian airman who survived the shoot-down and was later rescued, denied veering into Turkey’s airspace “even for a single second.” Turkey insists the plane was in its airspace for 17 seconds.

 ?? IVAN SEKRETAREV/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Photos of Lt. Col. Oleg Peshkov, left, and sailor Alexander Pozynich, both killed in Turkey’s downing of a Russian jet, are placed at a monument to Soviet officers in Moscow.
IVAN SEKRETAREV/ASSOCIATED PRESS Photos of Lt. Col. Oleg Peshkov, left, and sailor Alexander Pozynich, both killed in Turkey’s downing of a Russian jet, are placed at a monument to Soviet officers in Moscow.

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