The Mercury News Weekend

Republican leadership a victim of its own rhetoric

- By Eugene Robinson Eugene Robinson is a Washington Post columnist.

As the leading Republican presidenti­al candidates rave about deporting 11 million immigrants, fighting some kind of world war against Islam, implementi­ng gimmicky tax plans that would bankrupt the nation, keep one thing in mind: The party establishm­ent brought this plague upon itself.

The self-harming was unintentio­nal but inevitable. Donald Trump and Ben Carson didn’t come out of nowhere. Fully half of the party’s voters didn’t wake up one morning and decide experience as a Republican elected official was the last thing they wanted in a presidenti­al candidate.

The insurrecti­on that has reduced Jeb Bush to single-digit support while Trump and Carson soar is an understand­able reaction of the jilted. Republican leaders have spent the years of the Obama presidency inflaming GOP base voters with rhetoric and empty promises. The establishm­ent won its goal — electoral gains in Congress and many statehouse­s — but in the process may have lost the party.

Unrest was brewing among conservati­ves even before Barack Obama took office as the first African-American president. George W. Bush had angered the base with his budgetbust­ing expenditur­es for Middle East wars and a new prescripti­on drug benefit under Medicare. What about the party’s commitment to fiscal responsibi­lity?

The final straw for many came with the financial crisis in 2008, when Bush, in his final days, won a massive bailout for big Wall Street banks. The wholesale violation of conservati­ve principles helped launch the tea party movement.

With the economy still in crisis, Obama took actions that further riled conservati­ves — pushing through Congress a messy economic stimulus package and rescuing General Motors and Chrysler. And then the president won passage of the Affordable Care Act.

The GOP saw a golden political opportunit­y. Rather than work with Obama toward compromise, Republican­s positioned themselves as implacable foes of the president.

As the tea party increasing­ly demonized Obama for being an alleged Muslim or socialist — and delegitimi­zed him as supposedly having been born in Kenya — the Republican establishm­ent shamefully played along despite knowing this was rubbish. The result was a sweeping victory in the 2010 election. Republican­s captured the House by electing dozens of tea party-backed candidates, who came to Washington with revolu- tion on their minds. Experience­d GOP politician­s who should have known better allowed this insurgency to push the party into a series of showdowns with Obama Republican­s could not win. Having told the base that great things could be accomplish­ed by shutting down the government or threatenin­g default on the national debt, the establishm­ent had to say, in effect, never mind. Voters began to realize that they’d been had. Are voters who have been on the raucous, anything-goes Trump bandwagon for months going to fall meekly in line behind someone like Bush or Marco Rubio? It gets harder to imagine such a thing. Meanwhile, the field is being pulled so far to the right on issues such as immigratio­n and taxes that any of the likely nominees will have a hard time winning the general election. This is a fine mess the Republican Party has made, and we won’t know until the early primaries whether there’s any way out.

 ?? TYWRIGHT/GETTY IMAGES ?? The sensation of Donald Trump’s popular candidacy didn’t come out of nowhere. Republican leaders set themselves up for the triumph of an outsider.
TYWRIGHT/GETTY IMAGES The sensation of Donald Trump’s popular candidacy didn’t come out of nowhere. Republican leaders set themselves up for the triumph of an outsider.

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