The Mercury News Weekend

Paul aides convicted of finance violations

- By David Pitt

DES MOINES, Iowa — Three campaign advisers to 2012 presidenti­al candidate Ron Paul were convicted Thursday in a federal case alleging they conspired to cover up the campaign’s payments to a former Iowa state senator who had agreed to endorse their boss.

Prosecutor­s said it is illegal to cause a campaign to file inaccurate spending documents. They’ve pursued charges since July 2015 when a grand jury first indicted the men.

Paul’s campaign chairman Jesse Benton, campaign manager John Tate and deputy manager Dimitri Kesari argued they broke no laws when they paid a video production company, which passed on $73,000 to former Sen. Kent Sorenson. He dropped support for in the presidenti­al race for Michele Bachmann and endorsed Paul six days before the 2012 Iowa caucuses.

They said they were targeted because of their conservati­ve politics and argued campaigns typically don’t identify payments to subcontrac­tors of vendors.

The federal jury convicted Benton, Tate and Kesari of conspiracy, causing false campaign contributi­on reports to be filed to the Federal Election Commission and participat­ing in a false statement scheme. Benton and Tate also were convicted of causing the campaign to file false records of the payments; Kesari, 50, of Leesburg, Virginia, was convicted of that charge last year.

Benton and his attorneys declined to comment after the verdict was announced. He hugged his wife in the hallway outside the courtroom as she sobbed. Benton is married to Ron Paul’s granddaugh­ter, Valori Pyeatt.

Tate, 53, of Warrenton, Virginia, and his attorneys also declined to comment.

Kesari’s attorney, Jesse Binnall said he will appeal. He said federal prosecutor­s were overzealou­s in charging the men with actions that the FEC has not pursued in other campaigns.

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