The Mercury News Weekend

Man charged in woman’s slaying

88-year-old died nearly amonth after beating at her home

- By Mark Gomez mgomez@bayareanew­ Contact Mark Gomez at 408-920-5869.

SAN JOSE — A 19-yearold San Jose man was formally charged with murder Thursday in the death of Flo Douglas, the 88-year-old woman who was brutally beaten in a home-invasion robbery.

Zachary Omar Cuen was previously charged with premeditat­ed attempted murder in connection with the Sept. 12 home invasion and assault of Douglas, who spent about one month hospitaliz­ed in an intensive care unit before she succumbed to her injuries on Oct. 8.

Cuen, who is also charged with robbery, burglary and elder abuse, is next scheduled to appear in court on Dec. 15. He faces life in prison if convicted, according to the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office.

“Our deepest condolence­s go out to Ms. Douglas’s family and to so many in the community who loved and respected her,” prosecutor Lance Daugherty said in a statement. “We will do fractured bones and internal hemorrhagi­ng in the eyes and brain as a result of the attack – injuries that lead to her death, according to the district attorney’s office.

According to a police statement of facts submitted to prosecutor­s, Douglas told investigat­ors that in the dark early-morning hours of Sept. 12, a man entered her home, demanded money and threatened to kill her.

When Douglas told the intruder that she did not have any money, he punched and kicked her, knocking her to the floor, and continued to land blows on the elderly woman.

The statement contends he left for a brief time and then returned to make the same demands and “kicked her several additional times.”

After ransacking the home, the intruder took off in Douglas’ car but abandoned it down the street from her home, investigat­ors say.

The ensuing investigat­ion and examinatio­n of Douglas’ home turned up a fingerprin­t that was examined and matched to Cuen, according to sheriff’s detectives.

Cuen, who turned 19 just days after the attack, has a criminal history that includes several attemptedb­urglary arrests as a juvenile, according to sources and court records.

One of those arrests involves a 2015 attempted burglary where the victim was an 85-year-old woman. Both that victim and Douglas lived within a few blocks of Cuen, authoritie­s said.

Most recently, Cuen pleaded no contest on May 19 to charges in a February vehicle theft and hit-andrun. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail and placed on three years probation.

 ??  ?? everything within our power to hold this defendant accountabl­e for this savage and senseless crime.”
Douglas, known affectiona­tely to family and friends as “Miss Flo,” lived alone in a home on North Cragmont Avenue near McKee and White roads in an...
everything within our power to hold this defendant accountabl­e for this savage and senseless crime.” Douglas, known affectiona­tely to family and friends as “Miss Flo,” lived alone in a home on North Cragmont Avenue near McKee and White roads in an...

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