The Mercury News Weekend

Disappoint­ing birthday party

- Amy Dickinson Contact Amy Dickinson via email at askamy@

DEARAMY » I recently tried to hold a birthday party (for myself) at my apartment. I sent out invitation­s a month before, and also notified people personally. Almost everyone responded positively in a “that sounds like fun” or “I’ll try to swing by” manner.

Amy, the only people to show up were my best friend and their roommate. Out of the 15 to 20 people who I honestly thought would try to make an appearance, two showed up to celebrate with me.

I realize that in the adult world, friendship is more about quality than quantity. My issue is that all these people responded in a positive manner to my invitation­s, yet no one showed.

Only one or two people reached out after the fact to apologize.

I realize that people have lives. I’m just baffled that almost everyone in my life found other things to do. My heart is a little broken.

I work with some of these people, and none have offered any apology or explanatio­n.

I have struggled with anxiety and depression since a young age, and this has hit me extremely hard. I feel like everyone who ditched me is only pretending to be my friend. I want to completely isolate myself from everyone (even though I know that’s an unhealthy reaction). Should I confront the people who completely ditched me?

So far, I haven’t said anything to anyone, and it’s eating me alive! — Party of None

DEAR PARTY OF NONE » I feel you. I have hosted parties just like yours. Please understand that in this day and age, hosting anything — especially an event in your own home — is a socially courageous act, and I applaud you for trying.

This is not about you. I truly don’t think it is an indication of how well liked you are. This is about the insensitiv­ity of others. Many work friends maintain a boundary that basically declares that the friendship ends at the of- fice door. Something as personal as a birthday might send these social cowards scuttling. Others worry about being obligated to reciprocat­e. I don’t think you have anything to gain by bringing this up with them, however.

I hope you don’t let this keep you down. You might do better hosting a gathering in a bar or bowling alley, where people can come and go and basically hide behind their drinks.

Because you’ve had this experience, I hope you will commit to showing up for people, or at least giving a timely and accurate RSVP. It’s so important.

For inspiratio­n, view some episodes of the old (and still great) “The Mary Tyler Moore Show.” Lead character Mary Richards was perfect in every way, and yet still managed to have a very tough time when it came to throwing a party.

And next year, add me to your invite list. I will show.

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