The Mercury News Weekend

Leasing city-owned property could benefit SJ


San Jose officials continue to ignore present and future problems. For months now they’ve been selling prime city-owned property downtown to megacompan­ies like Google. This land will obviously continue to increase in value — astronomic­ally — and citizens won’t benefit from the profits.

Why do our officials avoid mentioning and considerin­g the logical action of leasing that property? It’s the only sensible alternativ­e that will bring a steady stream of funds to the city for road improvemen­ts and other projects our citizens desperatel­y need.

Months ago I wrote individual letters to each City Council member about this issue. Only one office bothered to acknowledg­e my letter.

Our so-called “leaders” fail to consider sensible alternativ­es. The latest push to allow taller buildings (regardless of potential dangers to planes landing at our airport) is another example of disregard for citizen safety and well-being. — Anita Goldwasser, San Jose

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