The Mercury News Weekend

Will Gavin Newsom stick to his promise of fiscal prudence?


Did Gavin Newsom mean what he said? Let’s hope so.

“We will live within our means,” the governor- elect told the Sacramento Bee earlier this week. “We’re not going to deviate from being fiscally prudent.”

Newsom made the comments after the newly swornin, Democratic- controlled Legislatur­e met just long enough for lawmakers to introduce a flurry of costly bills:

Expanding Medi- Cal eligibilit­y to adults living illegally in the state. K-12 school funding increases. More money for the state’s preschool program. Making the second year of community college free. Bringing back redevelopm­ent agencies, which require the state to backfill local government­s for lost tax revenues.

The list of more than 100 bills introduced Monday, the first day of the legislativ­e session, would require more than $40 billion in new state spending, according to the Bee.

Some of the ideas make good policy sense. Some are ridiculous. What’s clear is that the state doesn’t have the money for most of them. So, let’s hope Newsom meant it when he said that “all of this will be whittled down” to keep the state on a fiscally prudent track.

Unless someone, specifical­ly Newsom, injects some sanity into this debate, we have the makings of a perfect financial storm:

First, Democrats, fresh off their stunningly successful election, have a supermajor­ity in the Legislatur­e and are eager to expand government spending for programs they have long sought.

Second, Gov. Jerry Brown, who has for eight years provided a check on the freespendi­ng inclinatio­ns of the legislativ­e majority, is about to leave the Capitol.

Third, state Legislativ­e Analyst Mac Taylor last month released a forecast of a $14.5 billion reserve fund by the end of the 2019-20 fiscal year and a $14.8 billion budget surplus.

“The budget is in remarkably good shape,” Taylor wrote. It was an unfortunat­e characteri­zation that has led many to claim that the state is flush with cash.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The reserve fund would be wiped out in a matter of months if the state hit a long overdue economic downturn.

And the surplus in the annual state budget only exists because, as we previously noted, the state has strung out payments on its staggering, $257 billion debt for public employees’ pensions and retiree health coverage. If the state responsibl­y addressed that, the installmen­t payments would swallow up the surplus.

The state’s best, and perhaps only, hope of maintainin­g fiscal sanity rests with Newsom — the same person who campaigned with big visions that carry big price tags.

Which is why his promise this week that the state will maintain a fiscally prudent path was welcome news. Next month, when he releases his proposed budget for the 201920 fiscal year, we’ll find out if he means it — and what he means when he says it.

 ?? STAFF FILE PHOTO ?? “We will live within our means,” Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom said this week. “We’re not going to deviate from being fiscally prudent.”
STAFF FILE PHOTO “We will live within our means,” Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom said this week. “We’re not going to deviate from being fiscally prudent.”

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