The Mercury News Weekend

Data key to ‘cradle to career’ educationa­l success

- NEXT GENERATION’S WORKFORCE By Lande Ajose and Ted Lempert Lande Ajose is executive director of California Competes. Ted Lempert is president and CEO of Children Now.

“Cradle to career” was a frequent refrain of Gov.- elect Gavin Newsom along the campaign trail and for the right reasons. California­ns do best when investment in their education comes at the very start and continues through college into adulthood. But California lags far behind other states in tracking those positive outcomes in a meaningful or consistent way.

Just like laying the foundation for a strong home, mountains of research show early learning serves as a foundation for a child’s successful trajectory through school and into the workforce. Understand­ing how best to build on that foundation will require an overhaul of our fragmented state data systems. Experts on both ends of the learning continuum know solid, shareable informatio­n to assess the student experience before kindergart­en and after high school in our state is spotty at best.

Newsom’s early learning and higher education platforms come at a vulnerable time for the future of California, as we prepare for the next generation’s workforce to shrink. In 1970, children made up 33 percent of California’s population; by 2030 that figure is expected to decline to just 21 percent, according to a report by Children Now. Coupled with a projected shift in the ratio of seniors to working-age adults, too few individual­s will be prepared to fill the shoes of their predecesso­rs in the workforce. In fact, California Competes has found the state will be short more than 2 million workers with a postsecond­ary credential by 2025. Sadly, many California­ns won’t qualify for the great jobs our state produces.

Here’s why: From the beginning and at every significan­t transition point, our students face barriers in the educationt­o- employment pipeline. These barriers nudge then knock our children off paths to prosperity and pave the way for them to become adults who live on the wrong end of our state’s burgeoning income inequality. What should be a pipeline to opportunit­y instead becomes an intergener­ational cycle of hardship that threatens our state’s position as the fifthlarge­st global economy.

Interventi­ons are inconsiste­nt and inequitabl­e all along the way. Transition­al kindergart­en — a publicly funded early learning option for 4-year- olds not old enough to enter kindergart­en in the fall — and high- quality preschool boost language, literacy and math skills. However, only half of all 3- and 4-year- olds in California attend preschool, disproport­ionately impacting kids of color, kids from low-income families, kids in foster care and dual language learners.

Later in life, we find fewer than half of California’s high school students graduate ready for a four-year university, and many who do enroll in college don’t make it through. The latest research from California Competes points out that 4 million California­ns ages 25 to 64, a population as large as that of the city of Los Angeles, have completed college courses but left school without finishing a degree. These adults, like the kids, tend to be people of color and from low-income families.

Data provides the connective tissue between these two poles. California produces very little informatio­n on what makes an excellent education for our students. When informatio­n is collected, it is not uniform across districts or segments, nor is it shared from early childhood through postsecond­ary systems.

For California to maintain its position as an economic leader, comprehens­ive improvemen­ts must be made throughout our education system. This means breaking down walls that traditiona­lly elevate one part of the system or one seg- ment of our population over others.

Given the ever- changing demographi­cs of California, our state’s leaders must invest in modernizin­g data systems that will lay the groundwork for smart, strategic improvemen­ts with the broadest impact. A modernized data system will connect every stage of a California­n’s learning pathway, allowing us to close achievemen­t gaps that currently threaten our esteemed position in the world economy.

California’s economic success will be determined by the action Gov.- elect Newsom and the incoming Legislatur­e take for California­ns at every point in the education-to- employment pipeline. Such success rests on how we prepare for the economic needs of tomorrow while meeting the learning needs of our children and adults today.

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